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Draco and Y/N were sitting at the Slytherin table with Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy. The awkward tension had faded away, but their feelings most definitely did not. When Y/N saw Draco for the first time again on the Hogwarts Express, she was obsessed, as per usual. Now it was time for Dumbledore's annual beginning of term feast. This year however, there was a shocking surprise. Dumbledore had announced the Triwizard Tournament. Any student over the age of seventeen could enter the tournament by putting their name on a piece of parchment, and dropping it into the Goblet of Fire.
"Hogwarts will be hosting this year! We are delighted to introduce Durmstrang and Beauxbatons joining us for the tournament." Dumbledore announced as the girls from Beauxbatons burst through the Great Hall doors. They were dancing about, perfectly in sync.
Y/N looked over to Draco who was boggling over the girls. Y/N grabbed his chin, making him face her directly in the eyes. She gave a death stare before throwing his face out of her hand. Draco knew she was jealous as he smirked to himself. Y/N shot him another glare just as Beauxbatons had passed through the hall.
After the school had made their flashy entrance, a big group of buff boys marched in the doors.
Y/N spotted Viktor Krum amongst them. She had remembered he played for Bulgaria in the Quidditch World Cup this summer. Y/N made almost the same boggling face as Draco, when he scowled at her.
"What do you think you're looking at?" Draco asked, clearly jealous.
Y/N sensed that, and smiled, "Maybe it's the super hot guys that just walked in!" Y/N over exaggerated every word. Draco flared his nostrils and angrily looked away.

Blond Hair and Green Apples (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now