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Coming back after practice, Draco and Y/N walk into the Great Hall. Before even sitting down, Draco can't help but notice that Harry, Ron, and Hermione aren't sitting at the Gryffindor table.
"They must not be back from that great oaf's hut." Draco says, laughing to himself while he was remembering Ron throwing up slugs. Y/N laughed along.
It was nearly the end of dinner, so they ate quickly and exited the hall with the rest of the students. Before turning a corner, Draco and Y/N noticed a commotion. They pushed threw the crowd and saw the trio staring at a wall with writing on it. It was spelt in blood. It read, "THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED, ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE."
"Enemies of the heir beware? You'll be next mudbloods!" Draco exclaimed to the people surrounding the writing. Draco and Y/N glared at Hermione with menacing stares. They then started to laugh. Hermione was not amused in the slightest. The two of them started to quiet down as they heard footsteps inching closer to the group of people.
Mr Filch, the caretaker, was walking over, eyes fixed on Harry. Before they heard anything else, Draco and Y/N fled the scene and ran to the Slytherin common room.
It was just a few days after the Gryffindor and Slytherin's first quidditch practice, when both teams were getting ready for their first game. The two teams were wearing their quidditch robes and had their brooms in hand.
"Good luck." Y/N whispered to Draco, before hopping onto her new Nimbus 2001.
"Same to you, Diore." Draco smirked and kicked off the ground, flying into the air.
As everyone took their positions on the quidditch pitch, Madam Hooch blew her whistle to signal the start of the game. Y/N was throwing the quaffle between chasers, and Draco seemed to be preoccupied with something other than looking for the golden snitch.
"Training for the ballet, Potter?" Draco shouted at Harry, who seemed to be dodging buldgers for the whole game. Draco was waiting for a reaction, but Harry was looking into the space beside him. Draco then noticed a buldger creeping up behind Harry. He watched it for a moment. Before he knew it, the bludger had hit Harry and broke his arm. Instead of falling off his broom, Harry was zooming right toward him. He thought Harry was attacking him, so he moved quickly. Moments later, Draco heard cheering from the stands. He was confused. Draco looked to his side and saw Harry standing on the edge of his broom. Snitch in one arm, the other dangeling broken at his side. He was shocked. Harry had broken his arm and still won for Gryffindor. Then, Harry fell to the ground. Now that Gryffindor had won the game, Madam Hooch blew her whistle once again.
The players flew down, all surrounding the boy with the broken arm. Then, a frantic Gilderoy Lockhart ran across the field. Once he had reached him, a spell flew from his wand and seeped into Harry's arm. Y/N could only assume this was supposed to mend the broken bone. However, the outcome was not what Y/N or anyone else was expecting. Harry's arm hand turned into a flap of skin! No bone, no muscle, just skin! It even wobbled around like a cup of jello!
Draco flew over to Y/N and started laughing while pointing at Harry's arm. Even though they had lost the game, Harry getting hurt made up for it.

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