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This is the night that Y/N had been anticipating for the whole year. The Yule Ball. Her outfit was absolutely glorious.

Her date, Cedric Diggory, was wearing dress robes

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Her date, Cedric Diggory, was wearing dress robes. Y/N thought he looked very handsome.
Amid the happiness Y/N was feeling, she remembered that her best friend, Draco Malfoy, had still not been speaking to her. She wouldn't let that ruin her night.
The time of arrival was nearing as Y/N stepped out of the Slytherin common room. Cedric had already been waiting for her outside.
Both of them changed beaming smiles as Cedric took her hand and said, "Wow, Y/N. You look stunning."
"Same with you. Show-stopping." Y/N and Cedric laughed and walked up to the Great Hall together.
Before entering the hall, Y/N spotted Draco. She felt a pull at her stomach as she noticed Draco holding the hand of Pansy Parkinson. Draco's eyes met hers, as they glared at each other, infuriated with rage. Draco broke the glare and smacked the wall with his hand.
"Drayyy! What's wrong?" Pansy's annoying voice called out.
"Nothing." Draco sneered, Pansy leaning onto his shoulder.
Y/N cringed at the sight of them together and pulled Cedric closer to her.
Since Cedric was a champion, the pair of them, along with the other champs and their dates, had to start off the ball with a classic ballroom dance.
Cedric and Y/N gracefully moved around the dance floor. From just over Cedric's shoulder, Y/N saw Draco. She could tell by the look on his face that he was livid with jealously. This made her smile.
After the champions ballroom dances, everyone was on the dance floor. Y/N was having a lovely time dancing with Cedric. About 20 mins in, she felt eyes on the back of her head. Cedric lifted her up, twirled around and placed her back on the floor. She smiled at him, before looking over his shoulder. It seemed Draco was the one staring at her.
Y/N was fed up with his jealously. She smirked at Draco and kissed Cedric right in front of him. Cedric was just as surprised as Y/N, but quickly accepted it. There were ooo's and aaa's and cheers coming from Cedric's friends. This made Draco snap. He waited until Y/N was looking back at him before kissing Pansy. Y/N stopped dancing and stood on the floor for a few seconds before bolting out of the hall. Draco knew he took it too far and threw Pansy off him. He started making his way threw the crowd when Cedric grabbed his arm.
"Tell me what happens with Y/N, please." Cedric anxiously asked.
Draco nodded his head and ran off to the astronomy tower. That was Draco and Y/N's favourite spot in the castle.

"You! How dare you kiss that stupid little pug face!" Y/N screamed at Draco, pointing her wand directly at him.
Y/N did not hesitate to cast a spell that sent Draco flying across the room. He landed on his bottom and groaned.
"Me? What about yourself? You kissed that Hufflepuff!" Draco yelled back.
Y/N retorted, "I only did that because you took too long to ask me! Then, you took Pansy!"
"I only took Pansy because you said yes to Cedric!" Draco was trying to calm down.
Y/N ran toward Draco and pushed him off his feet. He got up and pushed her back, making her stumble.
Once Y/N regained her balance, she aggressively grabbed Draco's face, pulling him just millimetres from her lips.
"I hate you." Y/N whispered.
Draco also grabbed her face, smirked, and replied, "I hate you more."
A feeling of anger turned into a feeling of love as their lips met once again. This time it was passionate, not rushed, beautiful.

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