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Draco, Y/N, and Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, walked into Diagon Alley and headed straight to Florish and Blotts.
They entered the bookshop and Draco and Y/N ran up the staircase to look at the books they had to buy for second year.
Draco had already made it all the way up the staircase when Y/N stopped half way. Draco ran back down to see what was happening. When he looked in the direction Y/N was, his jaw dropped. Gilderoy Lockhart was standing before their eyes. Lockhart was a fraud, but everybody knew about it.
"What a fake twat." Y/N muttered under her breath, slowly heading up the staircase. The man wore a beaming smile, a bold yellow outfit, and had caramel coloured hair.
"Honestly." Draco agreed, following Y/N.
Whilst browsing the shelves, they heard the door open. The two of them turned around to see Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Ginny Weasley standing in the doorway of the shop. Almost instantly, Potter and Lockhart were swooped by the paparazzi of the Daily Prophet. Draco was already making his way towards them before you could even put down the book in your hands. Draco came face to face with Harry and said, "Famous Harry Potter! Can't even go to a book shop without making the front page."
Then a small red-headed girl who Y/N could only assume was another Weasley, stepped toward Draco.
"Leave him alone." Ginny Weasley squeaked.
"Oh look at that!", Draco said while laughing, "Looks like Potter's got himself a little girlfriend!"
"I could say the same about you two." Ron said while looking at Y/N.
Draco's face turned a bright shade of red before his father's wand was placed on his shoulder.
"Now, now, play nice, Draco." Lucius said.
Draco looked over his shoulder and responded, "Yes father."
Lucius motioned the two to come with him and leave.


"I wonder where Potter is?" Draco said to Y/N, taking a seat beside her on the train.
"Why're you so obsessed with him?" Y/N asked.
"I am not! I was just wondering why he's not on the train." He rebuttled.
"Just sit down and we'll see him in the Great Hall. Anyways, do you want anything off the trolley?"
"No thanks." Draco replied.
Y/N stood up and her hair swayed as she left the compartment.
"Wow, her hair looks beautiful. And her eyes. And her-" Draco thought to himself before he was interrupted by Y/N re-entering the compartment.
"I know you said you didn't want anything, but I got you a chocolate frog." Y/N smiled and sat next to Draco. He smiled back and accepted the chocolate frog. She then leaned her head on Draco's shoulder and drifted off to sleep. This was the moment when Draco realized he had strong feelings towards Y/N.

Blond Hair and Green Apples (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now