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Later on that day, in the Slytherin common room, Draco and Y/N were talking. The two of them came up with a plan to outshine Potter. Their plan was to buy new brooms for the whole Slytherin quidditch team. Even though they weren't on the team, this was a solid way to make their way onto it.
The next week after buying their way onto the team, Draco, Y/N, and the rest of the Slytherin quidditch team stepped onto the flying field and noticed the Gryffindor team already practicing. Y/N overheard Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, hiss, "I don't believe this! I booked the pitch for today!" The Gryffindors saw the Slytherins and flew down to the ground to meet them.
"Flint!" Wood called in anger toward the Slytherin captain.
Marcus Flint was even larger than Oliver Wood.
"Plenty of room for all of us, Wood!" Flint replied.
"But I booked the pitch! I booked it!" Wood spat with rage.
"Ah, but I've got a specially signed note here from Professor Snape."
The note read, "I, Professor Snape, give the Slytherin team permission to practice today on the quidditch pitch, owning to the need to train their new seeker and chaser."
"You've got a new seeker and chaser?" Said Wood, distracted. "Where?"
From behind the 5 tall boys of the Slytherin quidditch team came another boy and girl.
"Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son?" Said Fred, the twin of George. They belonged to the Weasley family.
"Funny you should mention Draco's father," said Flint. "Let me show you the generous gift he's made to the Slytherin team." All seven of them held out their broomsticks. The brooms were highly polished, brand new, and had gold lettering spelling the words 'Nimbus Two Thousand and One'. "Very latest model. Only come out last month." Flint bragged. The Gryffindors were speechless. Flint interrupted the silence by saying, "Oh look! A pitch invasion!" Ron and Hermione were crossing the grass to see what was going on.
"Whats happening? Why aren't you playing? And why are they here?" Ron said while looking at Malfoy and Diore.
"I'm the new Slytherin seeker and Diore's the new chaser." Said Draco, smugly. "Everyone's just admiring the brooms my fathers bought our team!"
Ron's jaw dropped and he stared and the seven shiny brooms before him.
"Good, aren't they? But perhaps the Gryffindor team will be able to raise some gold and get new brooms too. You could raffle off those Cleansweep Fives, I expect a museum would bid for them." Draco said smoothly, nodding at the Weasley twins who were gripping onto their Cleansweeps. The Slytherin team howled with laughter.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent!" Hermione said sharply.
"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood!" Draco spat.
There was an instant uproar from Ron at Malfoy's words.
"How dare you!" Ron jumped toward Draco, drawing his wand. "You'll pay for this one, Malfoy!" Ron pointed his wand at Draco's face. Even before he could say something else, Y/N felt a wave of worry wash over her.
A loud bang echoed around the stadium and a jet of green shot out of the wrong end of Ron's wand! This sent the ginger boy flying backwards!
"Ron! Ron! Are you alright?" Hermione squealed.
Ron opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was slugs. The Slytherin team was ambushed with laughter. Flint was holding onto his new broom for support while Draco and Y/N were on all fours banging the ground with their fists.
Ron, Hermione, and Harry had already started to walk toward Hagrid's hut, not saying anything to the Slytherins.

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