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Y/N was alone, walking to charms class when a tall, handsome, Hufflepuff boy had stopped her. Y/N shrugged off his hand before turning around to meet the face of Cedric Diggory.
"Hey, Y/N." Cedric said shyly.
"Hi. What do you want." Y/N blankly replied. She was already in a rush to get to class.
"I just wanted to ask you something." Cedric's eyes twinkled.
Y/N furrowed her brows and leaned onto one leg.
"Right, hurry up then. What is it?" Y/N asked, already starting to walk away.
Cedric followed after her and asked his question, "Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"
Y/N stopped in her tracks and pivoted back around to look at Cedric.
"Are you being serious?" Y/N cocked her head and smiled.
"Yes, of course I am." Cedric smiled back, scratching the back of his neck.
"I would love to go to the ball with you." Y/N finally responded to his question.
Cedric wore a huge smile and said, "Right then, Y/N. I'll see you soon."
Y/N waved goodbye and sped walk to charms class.
"Why would Cedric, of all people, ask me to go to the ball? Does he fancy me? Maybe he's better than Draco." Y/N's mind was filled with questions.
She walked into charms class, taking a seat next to Draco.
"You won't believe what just happened." Y/N started before Draco interrupted her by saying, "Yeah, yeah, hold that thought. I need to ask you something really important after class."
Y/N lifted her brows in shock then turned to her charms textbook.
Charms class had now ended. Y/N walked out of the classroom as Draco pulled her aside into an empty corridor.
"What do you want, ferret boy?" Y/N sighed.
Draco rolled his eyes and asked, "Do you want to go to the ball with me?"
Y/N slapped her mouth in shock. "About that..."
"What? About what? Tell me." Draco was itching for an answer.
"You were taking so long to ask me, so I thought you already had a date." Y/N responded.
"Are you mad? Who else would I want to go with? Pansy? Ugh." Draco was raging. "Wait... who are you going with then?"
"Cedric Diggory." Y/N said quietly.
"WHAT? A Hufflepuff?!" Draco was in utter shock as he angrily stormed away.

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