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After the feast, all the houses followed their prefects to the dormitories and common room. Walking alongside Draco, Y/N followed the Slytherin prefect to the dungeons, excited to see their new living space. As they entered the common room, Y/N eyes lit up. When you walk into the doors, the floor showcases a shiny stone platform with stairs leading towards the sitting area. The sitting area has two deep forest green velvet couches, armchairs, some beanbags, and a glorious fireplace against a wall.
"To your right you can see stairs leading upwards. Those ones lead to the girls dormitories. Girls, when you go up, your trunks, pets, and other items will be waiting for you on your bed." The Slytherin prefect announced. "Boys, it will be the same for you, but the stairs leading to your dormitories are on the left. Now everyone up to your dorms. Classes start first thing tomorrow!"
All the first years rushed up to their dorms in excitement and jumped onto their beds. Y/N and Draco parted ways and said their goodbyes. As soon Y/N dressed into her night gown and placed her head on the pillow, she fell fast asleep.
The next morning, Y/N woke up to the light shining through the window, onto her face. Her first class is flying lessons with the Gryffindors. She quickly changed into her robes and set foot down the stairs, into the common room. Draco was already waiting for her on the couch.
"What took you so long, Y/N?" Draco asked.
You rolled your eyes and snapped back, "Whatever, Draco. Let's just get to our first class on time."
Draco stood up and reached out his arm for you to link with him. You look confused, but link arms with him and together you strut down to the flying field.
"I can not believe the fact that we have to be in the same class as Potter!" Draco sneered.
"Shut up Draco! Just get it over with." Y/N responded. "Anyways, do you know how to fly?"
"Yes! Indeed I do!" Draco exclaimed confidently. Y/N smiled at him as you both walk onto the grass.
All the first year Slytherins and Gryffindors lined up on opposite sides of the field. Each student had an old looking broom beside them.
"What type of brooms are these?" Draco questioned loudly enough for Madam Hooch, the flying professor, to hear.
"Don't be so ungrateful Mr. Malfoy! These brooms will do just fine!" Madam Hooch snapped at the young boy.
"Well, what are you waiting for everyone?" She barked to the class. All the first years stopped and stared at the professor.
"Stick your right hand over your broom and say 'UP!'"
The first years were all shouting 'up' at their brooms, hoping that it will lift up into their hand. Y/N and Draco's brooms flew into their hand in an instant.
You looked over to Draco, but it looked like he was already busy with something else.
"Ha! Longbottom can't even move his stupid little broom!" Draco yelled at a squeamish Gryffindor boy.
Madam Hooch interrupted Draco's mocking by shouting, "Everybody mount your brooms! Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off the ground hard! Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet and then come straight back down by leaning forwards slightly." But before Madam Hooch could even blow her whistle, Neville Longbottom nervously kicked off the ground.
"Get back here now, boy!" Hooch shouted up at Neville who was swirling around in the sky. Suddenly his broom turned sideways and he slipped off.
Neville screamed and hit the floor with a loud thud and crack. The flying professor ran over to him as he lay on the grass holding his wrist.
"Broken wrist." Hooch said under her breath, while helping Neville to his feet. "None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'quidditch'!"
Once they walked away and were out of earshot Draco, Y/N, and a bunch of other Slytherins burst into laughter.
"Did you see his face?" Draco roared with laughter.
"Shut up, Malfoy." Parvati Patil yelled at him.
"Ooh, sticking up for Longbottom?" Y/N said, giggling.
"Look!" Malfoy broke the laughter of the other Slytherins. He ran forward and picked up something out of the grass. "It's that thing that Longbottom's gran sent him."
The Remembrall glittered in the sunlight as he held it up.
"Give it here, Malfoy." Said Harry. Everyone fell silently and looked at the two boys.
"I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to collect! How about a tree?"
"Give it here!" Harry yelled as Draco leapt onto his broom, and took off.
Y/N thought to herself, "wow, he really did know how to fly! He's even hovering over an oak tree!"
"Come and get it, Potter!" Draco shouted and Harry kicked his broom off the ground. He shot up into the air, headed straight for Malfoy.
Y/N watched from the ground as their brooms danced in the air.
"No Crabbe and Goyle up here to save your neck, Malfoy." Harry called out.
"Catch it if you can then!" Malfoy shouted, and he threw the Remembrall out of his grasp.
Harry lent forward and pointed his broom downwards. He was only meters from the ground when he reached out his hand, caught the glass ball, and pulled his broom straight up so he wouldn't crash. Harry got off his broom with the Remembrall safely in his hands. Then, Draco quickly swooped back down onto the grass as the sight of a person walking onto the grounds alerted him.
"HARRY POTTER!" Professor McGonagall was flustered as she hurried over to where Harry was. She grabbed his arm and strode back to the castle, speechless.
Draco ran over to Y/N and you both burst into laughter. You could hear the faint shout of McGonagall saying, "Class dismissed!"
Draco and Y/N continued to laugh and walked back to the dungeons, arm in arm. When they were inside the common room, they both quickly ran up to their dorms to get what they needed for their next class, potions.
When they made their way back down to the common room, they noticed that there was still time to spare. They sat down on the biggest couch in the room together and talked for a bit before leaving.
Draco Malfoy and Y/N Diore were now known throughout the school as the most powerful pureblood friendship. They intend to keep it that way.

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