Chapter 47: Haru

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It was just after the Spring Festival

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It was just after the Spring Festival. The weather was still chilly, as people started going back to school and work. Business was as usual for everyone, including the hospital. The world was moving and yet for one part of it, it remained standstill.

"Good morning, Ms. Wang. You are early today," greeted the nurse-on-duty to her patient's personal caregiver when she entered the room. "I have just changed his sheets. He looks good today."

The young nurse beamed when the lady nodded with approval. It was her first week on duty and she did not want to disappoint her patient's caregiver.

The petite caregiver had been coming in almost everyday in the evenings and would leave at dawn when the shift changed. It was rare to see her early in the morning. "Will you be staying overnight as usual? The cafeteria asked if you'd want to order food."

The young lady in a pixie haircut, with bangs almost reaching her thick eyebrows and thick dark rimmed glasses, nodded her head.

"I'll be here but I can manage my own food. Thank you. Can you please get Mr. Wang, an extra blanket too? It felt quite chilly last night. Do you mind if I change his clothes? He has visitors today."

"Pease go ahead." The nurse smiled. "Shall I close the door?" When the door was closing, she saw the caregiver putting her bag down and removing some clothes from it.

"Mr. Wang's family sure is rich. Hiring a personal caregiver cost thousands. And Ms. Wang is so dedicated. I wonder if they are related." She muttered to herself.

Once the door was closed, Yue removed her glasses and set them on the table. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead. "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

She cupped his face and stared at him for the longest time, like she always would. He did look good today. Peaceful. Calm.

"How long more are you going to sleep, Didi? We're all waiting for you." She put her head on his chest, and curled up her body next to his. "You owe me a honeymoon trip." She laced her fingers around his. "Please wake up, Didi. I miss you. So much."

She closed her eyes and immediately her mind wondered to the day she rushed off in Liang Liang's bike to the hospital after the concert.

She had vague memory of what happened and the next thing she knew, she was at the hospital in patient's clothes. Doctor told her she had mild concussion and minor leg injury when she got knocked by a car.

Thankfully that car was not speeding. She could only think of Didi and demanded to see him. But they held her up for one more day before letting her go.

She could never forget the sadness on Okaasan's face when she approached Didi in the ICU. The color has left his cheeks and he looked...dead. Except that the heart rate monitor was still beeping.

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