Epilogue 1: Kazoku

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 7 years later

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7 years later.....

Yue smiled as she closed the lid of the sugar container. She could not wait to see his response.

She looked out of her kitchen window towards their garden. The last seven years was blissful. They had a solid marriage and career. Yue successfully released two albums, three singles and did an Asia tour. Her song written for Didi topped the alternative female singer charts for months, which made her the No.1 most popular singer that year.

Didi travelled with her during her Asia tour but she realized it was taking a toil on his health. So, he did half the tour with her and she personally completed three more countries in three weeks, before taking a sabbatical leave from singing.

When she turned 32, she decided she wanted to slow down and focus on the family. She learned how to be a producer, and songwriter just like Didi.

They moved to Leshan, two years ago, to lead a quiet life, while running chain restaurants here. Yue loved the countryside and she even took up gardening and painting.

Their house was always filled with neighbourhood children who loved to play at their outer courtyard. They had two helpers to cook and keep the house clean.

Okaasan was back to Japan, staying with Uncle Kenji. She preferred the life over there, even though they had persuaded her many times to move back.

She glanced at her watch. It was time. They had agreed to do an exclusive interview about marriage life and the crew would be coming anytime now.

"Xiao Hei Bai, come here!"

A black and white coolie came running to her, nuzzling its nose in her hands. She ruffled its fur and kissed its head. "Ask daddy to come home. Go, get daddy!" The dog barked and sped off.

She was told to wear something casual, so she picked a huge white pullover that would keep her warm. She would change later, when her friends and family arrive for her birthday party.

Today, seven years ago, was also the day Didi woke up from his coma. For someone who disliked birthday celebration, she was beginning to find it meaningful.

Not everyone could make it. Sun Qian was in labor and Kang told them to make a video call when the gang arrived. Mama Wang and Hsu-jie were out of the country. Xiao Gao and Justin had prior engagements but the rest would be coming.

Kuan and his girlfriend, Sebrina would be arriving in the evening. Jia Qi and Xi Ze and The Sun Ning couple had gone for a walk in the town, while Marco and Shan Shan were out to make party arrangements for tonight.

As usual, their kids were left with Nai Nai and the bigger "kid" himself.

"Thank you Pa, Ma, for bringing me to this world. I wish you met Didi. He takes care of me well. I wish he knew you."

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