Just Another Show of Brotherly Love

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Here we go again. You roll your eyes as you listen to Sam and Dean bicker at eachother like two four year olds arguing over who gets the last piece of cake. It had been going on for about an hour now, those two screaming, then going quite, then screaming again. It was exhausting to say the least. At a couple points during their yelling, you thought maybe you should go downstairs and break up the fight; but you just shrugged your shoulders. 

"To hell with that," you said to the four walls of the bedroom that you and Dean shared. At least they listened and didnt dare talk back. Well if they did then there would be some serious mumbo jumbo going down. Dean didn't favor the mumbo jumbo, you knew that. He didn't dare fuck around or make any kind of mistake when it came to hunting. However, he has fucked up a couple times in the past. Oh boy was he hard on himself afterwards. Poor Dean tries so hard to make the world right, but there is always something more to knock his ass back down. 

As you were sitting on the bed, trying to read Romeo and Juliet, your ears perked up. Listening, you heard nothing. No more loud ass mouths spewing shit everywhere. "Hm, I guess they're done killing eachother." As soon as the thought left your lips, there was a crash and a shriek downstairs. Now on alert, you tossed the book aside, not caring where it landed, and threw the door open. You ran down the stairs as fast as you could without slipping. The last thing you needed was to slip on these fucking steps, rolling to your own death. Man wouldn't Dean just love that sight. Wait...no no, you couldn't do that to them. Sure it'd be a pretty great prank but eh maybe...no no.

You imagined their reactions if you were to fake falling down the stairs. Sam would be to your side before Dean, first aid kit in hand. Dean on the other hand, oh your poor Dean, he'd be all business mixed with complete and utter horror. It was extremely tempting, you would have done it too, but all plans were gone as soon as both of your feet hit the floor at the bottom. Maybe next time you'll give it a go. You needed a damn good laugh, it had been awhile.

From all the bullshit going through your head, you failed to hear Dean and Sam's yelling again. There, in the middle of the library, stood Dean and Sam. One's lips moving faster than the other. The other, barely able to get anything out. Bet you can guess which one was being shut up by the other. Sammy was having a damn hard time getting barley a word in with Dean going one hundred miles an hour. 

You began to giggle as you watched Sam's nose flair open with anger. It was always amusing to watch him do that. Since you've known Sam he's always done that. It was one of his cute habits. Now, let's talk about the older brother. Dean was a hardass. Born and bred to hunt all monsters of the night. He was a serious son of a bitch. He was so serious, that when he was angry, his eyebrows would travel so low over his eyes that he damn near looked demonic himself. Those perfect kissable lips of his would thin out but once he started getting way too into the bickering, they would kindof pucker out. 

You've known these two for about ten years now. You and Dean had been married for three of the ten. He was a wonderful husband. Dean would treat you like a Queen. He's even bowed and kissed your feet before but you would never tell Sammy that. Hell, you were sure that if you even whispered what he had done, the fiery wrath of Dean would rain upon you. Were you afraid of your husband? Oh hell no. Dean was as soft as a baby's bottom. Sure he had one tough ass fucking hard exterior but once you break the wall, the insides are very squishy. Being his wife, you had much practice smushing those squishy insides to get what you wanted.

Sam's bellowing voice cut you out of your trance. As you looked upon them, thinking just how much they are indeed idiots, Dean does the unthinkable. 

His face was as red as a lobster and you swore Sam must have said something to hurt his poor ego. An ego that Dean tended to on a daily basis. That was the last straw apparently because Dean blurted out, "You ever noticed just how much your hair actually makes you look like a fucking moose? You own a mirror Sam? How about you use it!"

Sam had no comeback so instead he stuck his finger out, pointing it at Dean's face. His brother knew just how much he hated being pointed at. Watching, trying to keep yourself from busting out in pure laughter, Dean smacks Sam's finger away. The sound echoed throughout the room. Shocked, Sam finally delivers a comeback to Dean's previous insult.

"A moose huh? Tell me Dean, do you enjoy using those skinny, scrawny, girly, squirrel like hands for everything? You ever seen them? Yea, they make my skin crawl!"

About ready to burst, you cover your mouth tightly. Now wasn't the time to react, not just yet. You had to wait to witness more. This was so fucking entertaining and you were loving it. Dean glanced at his hands, twisting them over and over in the light of the room. He looked back up at his brother, fire in his eyes. You expected Dean to go full out evil big bro on Sammy, but Dean settled for the middle finger. It was so elementry, but it totally worked. In a split second, Sam leaned forward, his teeth pinching the tip of Dean's finger. Dean pulled his hand back with the girliest yelp you had ever heard out of your husband. It was then, that you couldn't hold in the laughter anymore. You emptied all the happy emotion out. 

Dean and Sam turned their heads, finally realizing that you had been standing there watching the whole time. You noticed that Sam had a little smirk at the side of his mouth. Of course the dumbass would find your laughing to be amusing. Dean, oh your poor Dean, he stood there, his middle finger in between his lips. He was tending to his wound like a whittle puppy dog, an extremely fucking adorable puppy dog at that. Once you've gotten it all out, you shake your head at them, smiling. Dean, being the little tattle that he is, he removed his finger, his eyes pleading.

 Dean, being the little tattle that he is, he removed his finger, his eyes pleading

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"Babe did you see what Sam-" You cut him off, walking away. His eyes followed you as you pasted by. You glanced over your shoulder at him, still making your way to the kitchen for a snack. "You do kinda have girly hands sweetheart. Embrace it." You winked at him. 

Sam's laughter was intoxicating. You couldn't help the huge smile on your face as you opened the door to the fridge. Dean will get you back for what you said later, but at this moment, you popped the top off of a beer and enjoyed your celebritory drink. 

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