Chapter 10

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"I'm not even half as pretty.." 


Suga's POV: 

Daichi still hasn't come back with yet and my stomach started to growl louder. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" 

The handle turned and the door swung open. Yui Michimiya stood in the doorway. "Hi, Suga." 


She stepped forward and closed the door behind her. "Where's Daichi?" She asked. I wasn't surprised. She knew Daichi would be here and she only came to see him. 

"Out getting food." 

She nodded and reluctantly moved closer into the room. She sat down in the chair that was previously occupied by Daichi. We sat in silence, not sure what to talk about. She stared outside the window. I stared up at the cieling. I looked at her every so often. She was beautiful to say the least. She was a bubbly person around others. Her hair was cut short and she had big eyes that shown bright. 

I started to have negative thoughts about myself. Of course Daichi liked her more. Even if he was bi, which I doubt, he'd still choose her. How could he not? Every guy would fall for someone like that. She's a stronger leader like him. Daichi's known her before we'd even met. I couldn't compare with that. 

I have always been acutely aware about my looks. My grey hair stood out against everyone else. I tried to ignore it, but I I couldn't. Every time in the mirror I scowl at it. The dimple right below my left eye always bugged me. Why was it there. Can it just go away? No, no it can't. Compared to Yui, I'm not even half as pretty. 

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