Chapter 1: The Last First Day

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Shucks, it's morning already. Slowly lounging out of your messy bed, you made your way down to the kitchen. Third year was finally beginning. It was just another day for you, but to your family it was a day to celebrate. 

"(F/N)-chan! Good morning! Are you excited for your first last day of school?" You groaned inwardly. Of course your mom would over exaggerate everything for no reason. "It's actually my last first day Kaa-san," sighing and plopping down in your chair, it was only a matter of time before your dad joined in on this too.

Despite seeming like a grouch, it was hard to complain when stuffing your face with chocolate chip muffins. Even though it wasn't a traditional breakfast, it was enough to hold you over until lunch and that was what mattered. "Good luck today, I know this year will be wonderful for you (F/N)-chan!" Though he was never one to break his stoic façade, your dad was truly proud of everything you had accomplished as of now. Twice the winner of the Tokyo Music Competition and the first prize holder in the Midori Gotō International Competition, nothing could stand in your way. 

This year, you were planning on finally entering the Yehudi Menuhin International Competition for String Musicians. It would be your greatest challenge yet, but only practice and hard work would help you reach the summit. Just as you reached for another muffin, your phone buzzed on the table.

(Y/N)-chan! Are you ready for classes today? I am! I'll meet you outside of your house in 5 minutes. Don't keep me waiting! ~ Makoto-san

Makoto-san was one of your best friends, even though you had only met him at the beginning of high school, he understood you. It was hard to find others that shared the same drive as you, but he liked to say that was what made you special. Racing upstairs to your room, there was no time to make the bed. Gah, I'll get it later. Grabbing your instrument and shoulder bag took priority over housekeeping right now. 

Practically tumbling down the stairs you called out, "I'll text you later tonight Tou-san, Kaa-san. I'm going to stay late to practice with the symphony and do sectional drills again." It was unlike you to go to the dorms early. They never forced you to stay and practice, everything you did was for yourself and no one else. And even though you lived on campus for the year, you made time to talk to them every other day.

"Okay, talk to you later! Don't forget your lunch!" You quickly reached for your bento box on the counter before shoving it into the shoulder bag on your arm. Makoto-san was already outside by the time you put on your shoes, but he didn't seem to notice that you were slightly late.

"Hi Makoto-san, thanks for showing up. Let me just grab my bike and we can get going." He just stared at you with a grin before nodding. The two of you always rode to school on the first day since it was more convenient than taking the bus. Having already dropped off your stuff in the dormitory a few days ago, your bike was the only thing left you needed to bring with you.

"Hah, you look pretty washed up (L/N)-san, aren't you trying to impress any guys this year?" He teased, "I highly doubt that anyone would date someone with chocolate smeared over their face." 

HUH? Chocolate?! You reached into your bag frantically and pulled out a small compact mirror. "Oh my gosh, if you didn't say anything I would have gone to school looking like this." Wiping the chocolate off with a handkerchief, you turned back to Makoto. "I know (Y/N), I just want you to look your best!" He winked at you. Despite all the teasing, your relationship was completely platonic. Being in a relationship was the last thing on your mind anyway. Music took up too much of your time and it would have been difficult to find someone who could keep up with your determination to succeed. 

The two of you hopped onto your bikes and rode down the street. With your instrument on your back, it was harder for you to pick up speed. On the other hand, Makoto raced by without hesitation. He turned back to look at you, "Come on! I want to see Goshiki-san before I go to class!" 

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