Chapter 16: Tell Me About Love

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The game had finished quickly with Shiratorizawa as the winners. After thanking the university students for their hospitality, the team packed up and headed back to the hotel. 

"(L/N)-san," Goshiki whined, "what's for dinner?" It was nearing the evening and many of the boys were hungry after playing. 

"The coaches organized a buffet dinner in the hotel restaurant. Once you go to your rooms and shower we can all eat together."

Tendou and Yamagata perked up at this. 

"Say, you wouldn't want to join us in the shower, would you (L/N)-chan?"

"Oh please, we all know the two of you would just fight over who is more well endowed. I'd rather shower by myself thanks."

"Well, actually I happen to be bigger than Tendou-san," Yamagata bragged.

"Yeah right, I'm taller than you Yamagata-kun. Taller is always bigger." 

You rolled your eyes, "Tendou-san, I am pretty sure that's not how that works and no I don't want to find out. Please just go shower and meet back at the restaurant for dinner."

The other boys let out a few snickers, you weren't a stuck up manager and being able to take their playful banter made you even more fun to hang around.

"Hey, that means all of you," you said while eyeing the rest of the team.

They nodded and took the elevators up to their respective rooms. You stayed with the coaches downstairs since you didn't need to shower. 

After checking in for the buffet reservation, the coaches decided to talk strategy. The three of you discussed which players were at their best today and which could use improvement. It was no surprise that Ushijima's name came up more frequently in the conversation and you felt excited about your talk with him later.

I wonder who he's in love with. OH! Maybe it's Tendou! 

You giggled quietly to yourself. Ushijima was attractive, there was no denying that. He was a very down to earth person even if he was clueless at times and that's part of what drew you to him. The two of you were similar in the sense that you strived to reach the top in your fields, his being volleyball and yours music. However, he was only a friend right now. That's all he could be given that you were in a relationship. Sighing, you brought yourself back into the conversation with the coaches.

"Do you think they'll be ready for official matches?" 

Coach Saitō turned to look at you, "I think there is still work to be done, but they are stronger than they were before. I have a feeling that it's because of you (L/N)-san."

"Keep up the good work," Coach Washijō nodded. Getting a compliment from him was difficult and if he felt you were truly doing a good job, then he meant it.

You bowed at them before noticing the boys slowly trickling in to the restaurant.

"Oh, I guess everyone is done showering. Can we make our plates now?"

The coaches said yes and you led the Semi and Shirabu to the buffet line. 

"So, (L/N)-san," Semi said casually as he grabbed a plate, "is it true that you're dating Oikawa-kun?"

You froze. Ushijima wouldn't have said anything, so who did?

"Yeah I am, how did you find out?"

He pulled out his phone to show you, "Well he posted a video on his social media page of you performing at the mall. We all listened to it on the bus, you're really talented!"

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