Chapter 21: Little Do You Know

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She loves me.

Ever since that night, Ushijima couldn't stop thinking about you. He never mentioned what happened after you fell asleep, just that he tucked you in and left. It seemed wrong to confess after hearing something that he wasn't meant to.

However, now was no time to be thinking of that. It was game day for the team and they were up against Araigawa High School first.

"Ushijima-san, here," you handed him a water bottle, "drink this." 

"Thank you (L/N)-san." He nodded at you before heading to the rest of the team warming up on the court.

They were guaranteed a victory for the first game so you weren't as worried and the coaches seemed laid back too. Since that was the case, you pulled out your sheet music for the competition and looked it over intensely. Hearing the notes in your head would prepare you for the real thing tomorrow. Just as you were about to write down some reminders, Tendou interrupted you.

"(L/N)-chan," he whined, "can you please get me a program from the front? I want to see who else is playing today."

You shot him an annoyed look, "Seriously? Why can't you get it yourself after the game?"

"Well why can't you just grab one for me? You're not doing anything anyway."

"Not doing anything?! Can't you see that I'm-" groaning, your frown turned into a scowl, "You know what, fine. I'll go get you a program."

"Yay! Thank you!" He hugged you tightly before you ran off.

Hmph. He can get his own program. Stupid Tendou.

You were still somewhat miffed over his comments at dinner last week. Ushijima still hadn't shown any sign that he was attracted to you but then again it wasn't like he would be the kind of guy to do that. Sighing, you pushed your way through the crowd.

"Can I have a program please?" you asked the lady at the front desk.

She smiled warmly at you, "Sure! Though I'm not sure why you're worried. Your team will most likely make it to the finals."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, you're cheering for Shiratorizawa, right?" She gestured to the jacket you were wearing, white and maroon decorated it nicely.

"Oh yeah, I'm kind of their manager. Thank you for the support!"

She just nodded in response and you moved out of the way for the next person. Now that she pointed it out, the jacket did seem quite big on you. Shrugging off the thought, you headed back to the court. The game would start soon.

Meanwhile, the team was still doing spiking drills. As expected, Ushijima took the spotlight when it came to attacking. However, when he saw you weren't back after 10 minutes he became concerned. 

"Tendou-san, where is (L/N)-san?"

"Oh, I asked her to grab me a program. She was kind of angry with me but we're going to win anyway so there's no need for her to take notes or anything."

Ushijima frowned slightly, "There is never a guaranteed victory."

"Yeah yeah, you've told me all this before," he waved off the ace's warning, "Look, she's coming back in right now."

By the entrance to the gym Ushijima could see your figure approaching, but when he noticed who was directly behind you it made his blood go cold.

"Oikawa-san?" You turned around to face him after feeling a tap on your shoulder, "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you too (L/N)-chan," he winked at you.

For Ushijima, this situation was more than enough to make him jealous. He was about to go over and say something, but Tendou stopped him.

"If you had confessed to her then maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"Nothing will happen if I go and bring her back."

"No, don't embarrass yourself Wakatoshi-kun. Let's just focus on the game, we'll start in a minute."

He gave a stern nod and addressed the team. If you didn't want him, there was nothing he could do.

Back to your conversation with the infamous setter, it was making you feel a little on edge.

"I'm sorry I had to end things so abruptly but I think it was for the best. Please respect that."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to convince you otherwise. I just wanted to say hi since I knew you'd be here."

Then it dawned on you, "Oh yeah. I totally forgot you played for Aoba Johsai. I hope you guys win too, but I can't help cheering for my team first."

He chuckled before continuing, "I can't blame you there. It looks like they're about to start though. You should get going."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll see you around then."

"Okay, sounds good!"

You waved before turning back to the court. Though he seemed fine, Oikawa knew there was a reason why you had broken up with him and he was determined to find that out.

As you walked away, he eyed the jacket you had on. When you noticed its size in comparison to your body earlier you weren't just overthinking. In a rush to head to the front desk, you accidentally grabbed the jacket that was next to yours.

Oikawa's eyes remained on the small characters printed on the back and everything suddenly clicked.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi."

A/N: Sorry, I know this is way shorter than what you guys are used to but I thought it would be better to leave off here. I think there should be around 4 more chapters? Depending on how much longer I drag this out. I feel kind of sad thinking about the story ending, but there's always room for a second book after I finish the manga! (Possibly) I also started working on a book for Tendou and I have a one shot series that I'll be updating frequently too. <3

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