Chapter 24: Finally

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Throughout the next two games, Ushijima couldn't get your words out of his head. Even he was shaken up by the whole ordeal with Oikawa. Not that it affected his ability to play, in fact, it motivated him more.

"Nice kill Wakatoshi-kun!" Tendou complimented him.


Their semifinal game had ended with the ace scoring the last point. Shiratorizawa had beaten Hakusuikan High and Kensenike West. The next game would be decided after the other matches finished.

For the third time that day, you handed the team their towels and cold water. Thankfully they had stopped giving you sweaty hugs.

"You guys played a great game! Just one more to go, huh?"

Goshiki nodded, "Yeah, but never mind that. What happened to your wrist?" In between the other games, no one had time to ask what had happened. Only Ushijima knew. Once you explained everything the boys immediately wanted to jump Oikawa.

"Where is he?!" Semi started rolling back his sleeves, followed by a surprisingly angry Tendou.

"Yeah, let me at him!"

"Guys calm down, Ushijima-san was there and everything is fine now." You looked to the captain and exchanged glances.

"(L/N)-san is right. We need to prepare for the next game. The finals will be the hardest part of the tournament."

The team groaned and grabbed their stuff to head to the next court. No one had asked if the two of you were dating yet, but frankly you weren't sure if that was the right thing to focus on now. Earlier when you told Ushijima you loved him, that was the truth, but because you were caught up in the moment you didn't think about how that could possibly affect his plays.

"Can we talk after the tournament Wakatoshi-kun?"

"Um, of course." He blushed at hearing you use his first name.

Once everyone moved their belongings, you checked with the coaches to see who would be playing next. Surprisingly, Karasuno had made it to the finals. They were once a powerhouse school, but it had been a while since their team was any good. Shiratorizawa had won consecutively in every tournament and they were determined to see this through. Apparently Ushijima had a run in with some of the players from Karasuno, though he never told you the details.

Coach Saito snapped you out of your thoughts, "(L/N)-san, take note of their setter and middle blocker. We are scouting them for a volleyball camp."

"Oh, um okay. Are we hosting the camp?"

"Yes, the plans are still in progress though. Coach Washijō asked me to gather first years with potential."

You nodded, it made sense to train the first years. They would be the ones leading the team when the upperclassmen graduated. Besides, playing with members from other schools could help Shiratorizawa strengthen their attacks and defense.

Soon enough, both teams had settled on the court and the ball went up for the first serve. Since this was the finals, there would be five sets instead of three. You weren't worried about the boys since they always made it to this round, Karasuno however, didn't. Perhaps it would be an easy win against a less experienced group.

"Come on Tendou-kun! Don't get distracted!"

The Guess Monster stuck out his tongue, he may have been surprised by the resilience the other team had, but he quickly shook it off. It seemed that the other Shiratorizawa players felt the same way.

As you watched Karasuno's 9 and 11, you noticed that there was something different about them. Even though they weren't the most popular or outgoing, their presence alone was enough to make the others just as passionate.


The ball slammed against the hard floor and your eyes darted to the boy who spiked it. He was awfully short and had bright orange hair. Despite his appearance, his attack made it through your team's defenses, a feat that was impressive to say the least.

"Coach Saito, should we invite him as well?" You pointed to the 10 on his jersey.

He shook his head, "Coach Washijō seems to dislike him, though I'm not sure why."

"Oh, okay."

You were a little disappointed at hearing this, but it couldn't be helped. Returning your eyes back to the game, a few more attacks made it past Shiratorizawa. Their chances of winning seemed even slimmer now. 

Before you knew it, the fifth set had begun and Karasuno was climbing to the top. No matter how much you cheered for your team, the once clipped crows were making their comeback.

Come on, you have to win! 

Ushijima still had a chance of reaching nationals and if he made it, withdrawing from the competition would be a little more bearable. The score was currently at 19 to 20 and if they tied again the plays would continue. 

For some reason Karasuno only grew stronger each set, their confidence was unwavering. Shiratorizawa had been their mirror image for the majority of the game, but now they seemed to be breaking mentally under the pressure.

The short orange haired boy served the ball over and Yamagata received it with ease. Just from watching them play, you noted that Shirabu realized time difference attacks didn't work on their number 11 so sheer speed was the only way to go. However, the middle blocker was able to get a one touch on the ball.

"No! Come on guys, keep it together!" you screamed at them loudly. 

Karasuno was able to get a spike in from the back and it bounced off of Kawanishi's block. Luckily, Ushijima hit it up and aimed right for their number 10, hitting him square in the face. They were able to recover quickly and it became a free ball for Shiratorizawa.

Please win, please win, please win. Biting your already short fingernails, it was difficult to hide the nervousness you felt. The rally had already gone on way longer than it should have and if Karasuno scored a point it would be game over. 

Another loud thwack sounded throughout the gym, Ushijima had just spiked a cross court shot. It would have allowed your team to catch up, but their opponents were too persistent. In the next few seconds you could barely comprehend what had happened until everything finished. 

Shiratorizawa had lost.

A/N: Okay guys, one more chapter to go! This has definitely been a journey, but it was fun nonetheless. I'll be working more on my one shot book and my other book with Tendou, so be sure to check those out too! Thank you! <3

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