Chapter 17: Closer Together

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"Can you play your viola for me?"

You blinked a few times, "Um, yeah, sure."

Setting your case down to open it slowly, Ushijima's gaze followed you. There were countless other times that performances wracked your nerves, but not like this. 

"What would you like me to play?

"I would like to hear 'The Swan' by Saint Saëns."

Of course.

"You know, when I played that at the mall I actually thought of you. I didn't know what to play, but I remembered you saying it was one of your favorites," you gave him a warm smile.


He didn't seem too impressed outwardly, but inside there was that same burning feeling he described to Tendou. 

"I hope this sounds like how you imagined."

Lifting your bow to play, you remembered all the times he ignited that spark. This was your passion against his, everything you felt inside was yearning for his love. Even if you didn't realize it yet, that was how your music came across. Gentle, but incomplete.

Slowly gliding across the last note, you put your instrument down.

"W-was that okay?"

Ushijima stared at you in awe. It was almost as though your soul brushed against his in a heartfelt embrace. You could feel it clearly now and so could he.

"Yes, you play beautifully."

"Thank you, Ushijima-san," you blushed at his compliment.

What do I say now? Is there something I should do?

"Are you planning on playing in the Menuhin International? I overheard Semi-san discussing this."

It wasn't unlike Ushijima to steer the conversation elsewhere when there was nothing more to say. He knew very well that he was stuck because of your relationship with Oikawa. Even if that weren't the case, would he have the courage to confess?

"Yeah, it's around the same time as the Miyagi Prefectural Qualifiers."

"Hm, will you still be able to manage the team?"

"For sure, I want to see you guys go to Nationals! There's no way I'd miss the games."

You smiled at him, enjoying the night together was something unforgettable. He was unforgettable.



"Whoever it is you have feelings for, I hope she returns them."

He lowered his head slightly, "I do too (L/N)-san." The burning sensation turned into a painful twinge.

"Can I ask you something in return?"

"What is it?"

You paused slightly, "About Oikawa-san, I-"

"(L/N)-SAN! YOU SOUNDED SO GOOD!" Tendou screamed at you from a distance, he was running over to the small pavilion where you and Ushijima were. 

He tackled you to the ground in a bear hug, not bothering to pay any attention to Ushijima. 

"Tendou-san?? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was heading back to the room when I forgot I gave the key to Wakatoshi-kun before dinner. I went to look for him and I heard your beautiful playing!"

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