Chapter 6: Opportunities

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You yawned, stretching your arms out and huffing before rolling over. Every morning at 6:00 you ran a few laps around the school track to wake yourself up. Today was no exception. Classes start at 8:00 so there was plenty of time to shower and grab a bite to eat after. 

Normally Makoto would meet you at the track and the two of you would run together. There was already a set of workout clothes on your desk that you had laid out yesterday. It was simple and lightweight, just a pair of black shorts with a t-shirt. Before your love for music became apparent, cross country and track took up most of your time. Races were one of your favorite parts of the sport and the runner's high that came with it made you feel alive. If anything, it taught you that even in your weakest moments you were still strong. 

Unplugging your phone from the wall, you grabbed your AirPods. As a musician, it was hard to go anywhere without them. You were about to send a message to Makoto when you noticed a text from Oikawa. 

Wow. It's been ages since I've talked to him. I wonder what he wants.

His message didn't seem urgent and so you said you'd call him later that night. Along with his message, Makoto had sent you one asking why you were late. You just grinned before pulling on your running shoes and jogging to the track.

"Good morning (L/N)-san! Did you sleep in or something? You're usually here before me!"

"Hah, no, I just stopped to check my phone and got a little distracted. Anyway, how far did you want to run today?"

Makoto smirked at you before suggesting, "How about a race instead?"

It had been two years since your last official race. Distance was your specialty. As long as it was over a mile, you were sure you could beat him. "You're on Makoto-san, let's do a 2 mile race."

Since the track was 400 meters, you had to do 8 laps to complete two miles. It wasn't too bad and you could probably finish in less than 13 minutes. You both lined up at the start line near the bleachers and got into race position. 

"On your mark, get set, GO!"

The race was on! No way were you going to lose to him. Not that he was a boastful winner, but Makoto would definitely tease you about it for the next few days if he won. By the 7th lap you were in the lead. Makoto wasn't far behind and he had the opportunity to catch up, but he didn't. 

"Phew," you watched your friend cross the finish line, "good race Makoto-san, but you'll have to be quicker than that to beat me!" He only crawled over to the turf and laid on his stomach groaning. 

You laid down next to him and stretched out your legs. The sky overhead was a mix of lavenders and pinks while the sun peered from behind the clouds. It was still a little dark, but that's what made running at this time fun. Dragging Makoto off the field, you heard someone calling your name.

"(L/N)-san! Wow! That was amazing! H-how did you run that fast?" Semi looked shocked you actually won. 

Before you could say anything, Makoto spoke up, "It was a tie, we both crossed the line at the same time!" It was definitely not a tie, "HAHAH, Makoto-san, I finished a whole 3 seconds before you even crossed that line, okay?"

Semi stood there awkwardly watching you two bicker. "I- um, I was just wondering if you guys wanted to eat breakfast with me. I was running with the rest of my team but I think they left without me."

You and Makoto paused and looked at Semi. "Yeah of course we'll eat with you Semi-san! Let's just go get our school bags from the dorms," said Makoto. He was slightly blushing when he said this, though you weren't sure why. 

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