Chapter 23: He Loves Me

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Oikawa looked shocked, almost oblivious to the fact that he had just hit you. He tried to take a step closer but Ushijima stopped him.

"Leave. Now."

"But she's hurt and I-"

"She's only hurt because of you, there's nothing more to say."

You just watched Oikawa sadly as Ushijima picked you up and carried you back to the gym. Since the adrenaline was pumping, it was hard to tell if you were injured or not.

"T-thank you," you whispered, leaning into his chest.

"I'm sorry (L/N)-san, it should have been me."

"No, um, I shouldn't have been there anyway. I figured since you weren't back yet, I'd go look for you and I guess I somehow wandered into that. I'm glad you're okay though."

He looked at you lovingly and held you closer. This was the most expression you've ever seen him display freely. Even when he was standing against Oikawa he was more riled up than normal. 

Once you entered the gym the team had assumed you guys started dating, just from the way he was carrying you. However, Ushijima's stern face told them otherwise. He shook his head at the boys before setting you down gently. It was his fault you were harmed and to him that meant it was also his responsibility to care for you.

"Are you hurt anywhere? The trainers can tend to your injuries."

"No, I'm fi-" pain shot through your left arm as you made a fist, "m-my wrist."

Though you didn't notice it before, the skin around that area was starting to change into a sickly purple. It was definitely bruised, but you needed a further examination to know the true extent of the damage. 

"Here," Ushijima picked you up again, "I'll bring you to the medical tent."

With your good arm, you hit him playfully, "Hey, I can still walk you know."

"I know, I just enjoy holding you like this."

You smiled into his embrace, not saying anything else. Once this was over, the two of you needed to have a conversation about your feelings. Not the ones on the surface, or the ones that the team hinted at, but your true emotions. The raw passion of being utterly defenseless in love. 

"Oh my, what happened?" One of the trainers rushed over after noticing Ushijima carrying you.

"She hurt her wrist, although it could possibly be something more serious."

The woman nodded and had the ace set you down at one of the medical tables. She brought out tape and a wrist brace before examining you further.

"Hm, this doesn't look too bad. It's not broken, but there is a slight sprain. You won't be able to use it properly for around two weeks and even after that you should be cautious not to over exert yourself."

Two weeks? My competition is tomorrow!

A million thoughts swirled through your head. If you couldn't play, you'd have to forfeit. That would mean losing the opportunity to be scouted by major music conservatories around the world. It was your dream to play at Juilliard or the New England Conservatory in the United States, but now those goals seemed far away. Even so, Ushijima was able to pull you out of despair.

"(L/N)-san, you will be okay."

"Huh? W-what do you mean?"

"Your competition, it's tomorrow, right?"

You nodded slowly, "Yeah, but I won't be able to play."

He looked at you with saddened eyes, even if he tried there was nothing that would make you feel better. If he had been unable to play volleyball, he would have felt the same way. 

"Don't worry about it though," you shrugged, "I can still support you guys! You have to get ready for the next game anyway."

Hopping off the table, you thanked the trainer and motioned for Ushijima to follow. The rest of the team had started warming up and they needed their captain to lead them.

"I have to go, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, just do your best, okay?"

"I will."

"Oh, Wakatoshi-kun," you called out to him as he walked onto the court.


"I love you too."

A/N: AHHH this chapter is so short >-< I'm sorry!! But I figured it was better to write what I felt instead of cramming additional details in just to fit a certain word count. Anyways, with that we're on to the last two chapters! I'll do my best to wrap this up neatly! <3

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