Chapter 12: Truth or Dare

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"Um, truth?" You raised an eyebrow at Tendou, he seemed like the kind of person who could get carried away with a game like this, so you wanted to play it safe.

"Hmm, let me think," he tapped his chin a few times, "Oh! I know! Do you have a boyfriend (L/N)-chan?"

The rest of the boys, minus Ushijima and Semi, seemed to perk up at this. 

You blushed, "Well, not at the moment, but I do have someone I'm interested in."

"Oh really?" Tendou smirked, "And who might that be?"

It was hard not to giggle at his persistence, "Sorry Tendou-kun, you're only allowed one question. It's my turn to ask now." 

You scanned the room, trying to figure out who would be a good choice. The relationship Makoto had with Semi was somewhat confusing and you thought it would be as good a time as ever to find out what was between them.

"Semi-kun, truth or dare?"

His eyes shot towards you, "Um, I'll go with truth." A small smile curled at your lips, he had played right into your hands.

"Okay, are you dating Makoto-san?"


"Oh, for a second there I thought you were going to sa- WAIT WHAT?! Since when??"

It was Semi's turn to turn multiple shades of pink, "I asked him out a few days ago and he said yes." You were a little hurt that Makoto hadn't mentioned anything to you, but then again you barely saw him except for class and meals.

"Wow, congrats Semi!" Shirabu patted him on the back, his comment was genuine. The rest of the boys chimed in with something similar, leaving the poor boy even more flustered than before.

"W-well, um, I guess it's my turn then." Semi looked to the boy on your right, "Goshiki-san, truth or dare?"

"Hmm, I pick dare!" He was lucky it wasn't Tendou or Yamagata giving the dares, otherwise he'd be in trouble. 

"Um, I dare you to kiss Ushijima on the cheek." 

"W-what? why?" Goshiki's eyes bugged out of his head and you choked on your spit. 

"Well, I figured since you're always kissing up to him,  it's about time you actually kiss him."

A few snickers went around the room and everyone watched as Goshiki moved over to Ushijima. If the ace was nervous, he wasn't showing any sign of it. The first year closed his eyes and pecked Ushijima on the cheek hastily. Goshiki was planning on asking Ushijima next, but after what just happened he decided against it.

"Tendou-san, truth or dare?"

You peeked at the boy to your left, he didn't seem like he was going to back down from this.

"I also choose dare."

"Hah, okay. I dare you to take off your shirt and play that way for the rest of the game."

Some of the other boys booed, "That's lame Goshiki-san," but it was too late to change it now. Tendou took off his shirt and placed it in his lap. Your eyes wandered over his toned body before you met his gaze. He gave you a quick wink before turning to Ushijima.

"Okay Wakatoshi-kun, since you haven't gone yet, truth or dare?"

"I will choose truth."

"Have you ever fallen in love before?" 

The room was dead silent. Everyone held their breath and waited for his answer. It shouldn't have been such a big deal, but it was. Ushijima did not show affection to anyone and even you were curious if he was capable of doing so. 

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