Chapter 10: Text Me

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That night after dinner, the team walked with you back to the dorms. It was quite an eventful meal with jokes flying left and right. Some of which hadn't quite died down yet.

"Don't worry Goshiki-san, you'll eventually catch up to Wakatoshi-kun," Tendou offered. 

Goshiki's eyes lit up, "Really? Thank you Ten-"

"Yeah maybe in a hundred years." Shirabu snickered. Ohira and Yamagata tried to hide their laughter, but failed miserably. 

"Hey, leave him alone," you interjected, "it's good that he has a goal in mind because he'll be able to reach it with hard work and determination."

Semi and Makoto nodded in agreement, though it seemed like they were taking your words out of context. You let out a sigh and turned back to the team.

"I'll see you guys at practice tomorrow, make sure you get rest and hydrate, okay?"

A collective sounding of, "Yes (L/N)-san," went around the group and soon they had all retired to their rooms for the night. To any stranger they may seem like an odd bunch, but even then you would still be able to see the strong connection they shared as a team. You were slowly growing attached to them and you could only hope the coaches would allow you to stay as the manager.

After reaching the dorms, you pulled out your phone to check the notifications. 

1 New Message:

"Hi (L/N)-san, this is Seiya. I hope you don't mind that I asked Makoto-san for your contact. I was just wondering what piece I should prepare for our lesson on Monday." 

You kept your promise to the first year and continued to teach her after every symphony class you had. She had made a tremendous improvement in the past week and there was definitely potential for her to become great. 

"Hi Seiya-san, thank you for messaging me. Please have the first movement of the Brahms Viola Sonata prepared, I am excited to start working on this with you!"

Sitting down at your desk you stared at your phone. Even though you had just seen Oikawa today, you couldn't help but think about your next outing with him. Opening up a new message, you started typing.

"Hi Tooru, I had a great time today and I was wondering what you wanted to do for our outing next week. Text me ~ "

You laid on your bed and stared at the ceiling for a minute. Hopefully he'd text back soon.


When Ushijima had made it back to his room with Tendou, the first thing he did was fill a water bottle. 

"Uh, Wakatoshi-kun, what are you doing?"

He looked at Tendou, a stoic expression plastered on his face, "(L/N)-san said we need to hydrate and rest."

"Well, we always do that. You know over hydrating is a thing, right?"

Ushijima only ignored him and continued drinking water. Aside from volleyball, you were one of the things to frequent his mind recently. It was confusing to focus on, but when he was in his room it became more difficult to escape. Maybe it was hearing you play that beautiful piece, the way your face had seemed so peaceful in that moment was etched into his memory. Words could hardly affect such an unbothered person, but music had a way of immersing itself into everyone's life one way or another. Yes, that must be it. 

He sat up on his bed and asked Tendou a question, "Tendou-san, can I have (L/N)-san's contact information?"

At hearing his words, Tendou whipped his head around to face his friend. "Sure Wakatoshi-kun, why do you ask?"

"I would like to request more suggestions for my playlist."



Rolling over on the bed, you groaned quietly. Somewhere in between now and when you texted Oikawa you must have dozed off. 

Another message? Maybe it's from Oikawa.

But it wasn't. Instead you were greeted with a very formal text.

"Good evening (L/N)-san, I especially enjoyed the piece you were playing a few days ago. I would like to request more pieces to add to my personal playlist. Please let me know if you have any suggestions."

There wasn't an indication of who had sent the message, but you figured it must have been Ushijima. Who else would it be?

"Um, is this Ushijima-san?"

Another message popped up on your screen.


Wonderful. It was a bit shocking that he of all people would ask for music suggestions, but based on his personality it didn't seem like he shared the same music taste as the other guys on the team. It took you a minute to respond.

"Here are some of my favorite pieces to listen to: La Campanella (Liszt), Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso (Saint Saëns), Moonlight Sonata Movement 3 (Beethoven), Passacaglia for Violin and Viola (Handel-Halvorsen). I hope you like these as much as I do!"

Sharing music with someone felt odd, it was as if you were letting Ushijima peer into your soul. He wouldn't criticize you, at least not to your face, but you had to remind yourself that he was the one who asked for suggestions in the first place. 

"Thank you." You smiled a little at your phone before dozing off again. It had been a long day.


At practice the next morning, everything was going well. You finally were able to get into the groove of things and the new attacks you had showed the team were effective in practice matches. 

"(L/N)-san," Coach Washijō addressed you. Since the first day you arrived at the gym, he hadn't spoken a word to your face. "After careful consideration, Coach Saitō and I have decided on whether or not you will be allowed to stay as manager."

"Oh, I see." It hadn't been a full week yet, so it seemed like you were about to be let go.

Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by his next words, "From now on, you are the official manager for the Shiratorizawa boys volleyball team."

By now the rest of the team had gathered where you were and all of them had huge smiles on their faces. 

"Alright! (L/N)-san is the new manager!" The boys let out a few shouts and fist pumped in the air.

"Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to be a part of this team, I promise I won't let you down!" You smiled along with them, it was going to be an interesting year.

A/N: Sorry, I know this chapter is a little shorter, but it's because I have a lot planned for the next one! There is going to be a lot more of Ushijima once the season picks up and there are more practice games so don't worry!

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