Chapter 8: Denial

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Later that night, Ushijima and Tendou were watching strategy videos in their room. Ushijima thought it would be a good idea to learn new attacks that could help them improve, but Tendou only agreed because he didn't want to do his assignments. 

"Say Wakatoshi-kun, do you like (L/N)-san?"

He flinched at hearing your name, but it went unnoticed, "She is boisterous and rude. It would benefit her to choose her words carefully."

"So, you don't like her?" Tendou laughed, it wasn't unlike Ushijima to beat around the bush.

It wasn't that he didn't like you though, it just confused him when he felt differently around you.

His answer was honest, "I don't know."

There was something off with Ushijima and Tendou was the first to pick up on it. "Well, for someone who claims not to know, you sure have a strong opinion about her." He may not pay attention during lectures, but he knew you were the reason why his friend was acting strange.

"Hm." Ushijima had nothing else to say. He didn't know how to feel about you, or rather, how he should feel about you. No one had been upfront with their thoughts to him before and every fiber of your being seemed to challenge him. 

That night, he fell asleep thinking about what an odd girl you were. There was finally someone who had disregarded his tough demeanor and reached for a deeper part of him. You saw his humanity before his reputation.

Similar to Ushijima, you also had a lot to think about. Oikawa had asked to meet up at a small café near Shiratorizawa. It would be a short walk for you, since it was only half a mile away. For Oikawa, he'd definitely have to catch the bus if he had any hopes of getting there on time. 

"Ah, what am I going to do with you Oikawa-san," you sighed. Three years ago you would have been overjoyed at the chance to meet you crush outside of school. But that was a long time ago. 

You flopped on your bed and groaned. Did you still have feelings for him after all these years? He made you feel tingly inside when he smiled but the same could be said for all of the other girls he had managed to swoon. Unfortunately, being undeniably attractive wasn't enough to make you fall in love with him. Maybe this outing was necessary to sort out your thoughts. 


As promised, you reffed the race between Makoto and Semi early the next morning. It wasn't a shock to you that Makoto won, they only raced a 400 meter lap. In sprints, your best friend could beat anyone. Semi on the other hand wasn't too thrilled with the outcome.

"Are you sure he didn't cheat (L/N)-san?" he panted while leaning over.

Seeing as how they started at the same time, behind the line, it was a fair race. "Sorry Semi-san, but there's no way Makoto-san could have cheated. Even if he wanted to, it would have been pointless since he was so far ahead," you snickered at the betrayed look on his face.

Makoto was slightly off to the side but he was still rubbing in his victory. You had to admit, the two had great chemistry and if they chose to keep this going it had the potential to be something more.

"Alright guys, we better head back so we don't miss breakfast," the boys groaned before following after you.

Unfortunately, your plans to get food were interrupted when the rest of the volleyball team finished their morning jog. "There you are Semi Semi," exclaimed Tendou, "Wakatoshi-kun was wondering where you snuck off too."

Shirabu and Ohira nodded at you before quirking an eyebrow at the light haired boy, "Is that your boyfriend Semi-san? The two of you look like you had a heated make out session and (L/N)-san just happened to catch yo-"

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