Chapter 19: Back To Normal

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It had been almost three weeks since the team went to play against university students and things were slowly going back to the way they were. You hadn't messaged Oikawa since the breakup, but it was for the better. This gave you the opportunity to get closer to Ushijima, even if it was under unfortunate circumstances.

"(L/N)-san, are you okay?" Tendou came running up to you. The boys were having practice since the Miyagi Prefectural Tournament would be coming up soon. 

"Oh, yeah I'm okay, why?"

He flashed you a cheeky grin, "Well, it just seems like you've been paying Wakatoshi-kun an awful lot of attention. Does he know you have feelings for him?"

You waved your hands at him, trying to deny his blunt statement, "I do not have feelings for him! How could I love him when he loves someone else?"

Oh shucks, why did I say that?

Goshiki and Semi approached the two of you.

"You know (L/N)-Senpai," the first year started, "I think he would be better than Oikawa-san. He's kind of aloof but Ushijima-san would take care of you."

Semi nodded in agreement, "Even Makoto-san said that you guys would be great together!"

It was nice knowing that other people supported you, but there was nothing to do if Ushijima made up his mind. From what you could tell, he already had.

"Alright, calm down. I'm not telling him anything even if I do have feelings for him. You guys have the tournament coming up and I won't risk making anything awkward."

The boys groaned before taking the water bottles you handed them, Tendou lingered for a bit after they left.

"(L/N)-chan, Wakatoshi-kun likes you too."


Even the next day, his words still rang out in your head. If Ushijima couldn't say anything to you in person then Tendou's words meant nothing. It would be better to forget he said that and continue doing things normally. There were bigger things to worry about at the moment.

Besides the volleyball tournament, the Menuhin competition would be happening soon too. Most of your time had been spent with the team or teaching Seiya, so you barely had time to practice. Today would have been the first free day you've had in a while and you weren't about to let it go to waste.

"Okay, time to practice," you whispered to your instrument. Sometimes that was the boost you needed to motivate yourself.

Music was very frustrating at times and it was difficult not to lose focus. If you practiced without a goal in mind then nothing would be accomplished. However, your goal for today was definitely attainable. 

The Brahms sonata was finished, so the only thing to perfect was the phrasing. In simple terms, adding as much emotion as possible. A piece without purpose was something you hated the most and there was no point in performing if your soul wasn't in the music being shared with the audience.

It might have been an impulsive decision, but everything in your heart was pushing you to dedicate this piece to Ushijima. Not everything in your life revolved around love, but the passion you shared for your respective fields told you this was different.

If he is working towards being the best in Japan, I can certainly do the same.

Picking up your viola, you moved into a playing position. Visualizing the darkness of the audience set the atmosphere and the piece began. The first time you heard the viola sonata was when you experienced heartbreak in junior high. Walking into the concert hall, with a confused mind, overwhelmed heart, and a weary soul, it was the music that pieced you back together.

That was the true power of something intangible. Whether or not you walked out whole that day depended solely on how well the soloist was able to do their craft. That was more than enough to make you choose this to perform. 

If only he knew.

Often people say that music expresses what words cannot. There was truth to this, but at the same time it confused you. How could music tell Ushijima that you loved him? It's not like he would be able to hear the longing in the piece, let alone realize that you loved him. Even so, the sonata was able to mend your heart once, maybe it could do it a second time. 

Finishing up your practice, you decided it would be a good idea to hang out with Makoto and Semi. They were still going strong in their relationship and perhaps they would be able to give you advice.

The three of you met at the dining hall since it was around dinner time and picked a quiet spot to sit. Makoto and Semi had already grabbed their plates so once you came back with yours they bombarded you with questions.

"(L/N)-san, are you going to tell Ushijima-san your feelings?"

Semi looked at you with interest, "Yeah, are you planning on doing something romantic for him?"

"OH I KNOW!" Makoto enthusiastically gave his opinion, "You should play a really romantic song and have a candle lit dinner! That would be adorable! Right Semi-kun?"

You rolled your eyes, Makoto was definitely trying to hint something to his boyfriend and you weren't about to get caught up in that. 

"No, I am not going to tell him anything. It's not my place and there's too much going on now anyway."

The boys just looked at each other before bursting out in laughter, "I think you're just scared of getting rejected. That's just like Semi-kun when he asked me out!"

The light-haired boy flushed and hit Makoto over the head, "It was not! I knew that you'd say yes because it was totally obvious you liked me."

They continued to have a petty argument while you reflected on Makoto's words. He was right. Rejection was something you were afraid of. Not that you wouldn't be able to handle it, but the fact that it would definitely interfere with your abilities to be a strong manager. You had a responsibility to the team first and if it meant putting your feelings aside, you would gladly do that.

Similarly, Ushijima thought the same thing. To him, volleyball came first. It was his dream to become the greatest and if anything came in the way of that he would do everything in his power to push forward, even at the expense of his true emotions. He knew that things wouldn't be the same if he confessed which is why he chose not to say anything. But on top of that, he actually didn't know how to tell you what he felt.

"I think I am afraid of rejection, but it's more important to focus on the tournament and my competition so if anything I'll just tell him after. Okay?"

The two nodded at you, this seemed acceptable and you figured they'd pester you if you didn't do it eventually.

With that the rest of the team came over to join you for dinner, oblivious to what just happened. Everyone was engrossed in conversation and even Ushijima seemed more lively than usual. Because of this you couldn't help but think to yourself. Things would change soon, but would they be for the better?

A/N: Okay guys! I'm planning on wrapping this up soon. I think I'll be done in maybe 5 more chapters? Maybe less? Once I finish the manga I might decide to make another book as a continuation but we'll see. I also just finished Boku No Hero Academia and I absolutely love the characters! So I might write another book with my faves from there. And as I stated last chapter I am also working on a one-shot book for the Haikyuu boys so stay tuned! Stay safe and healthy! Love you all! <3

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