Chapter 4: New Feelings

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Ushijima thought you were rather careless for leaving your instrument in the library. It was beyond him how someone could forget something so important. As he headed for the gym he noticed Tendou talking to Goshiki.

"So you have (L/N)-san in your class, right Tendou-san?" Goshiki was still unable to process the fact that you actually talked to the Guess Monster himself. 

 For once he was relieved that someone didn't see him as a scary person, "Yeah, we studied together in the library and she's pretty cute. Wakatoshi-kun doesn't seem to think so though." 

Ushijima spoke up, "I don't think anything of her Tendou-san." 

"Well why not Ushijima-san?" Goshiki added, "She's not too bad if you give her a chance."

He only moved past them and into the gym, "I don't know her."

The two boys blinked and followed Ushijima inside. Maybe it was better not to say anything to him. Little did they know he only stopped the conversation from escalating further because of how he felt at the mention of you. It was suddenly difficult to breathe and his heart fluttered ever so slightly. 

Frowning, Ushijima put his bag in the changing room and stripped out of the school uniform. Unsurprisingly for an academy, the attire was professional and just as uncomfortable as it looked. It took half the time it did to undress for him to put on his volleyball clothes. 

The rest of the team was already warming up when he joined them. Semi-san, or Semi Semi, as Tendou liked to call him, was off practicing his serves when the red head interrupted him rudely.

"Hey there Semi Semi!" he grinned cheekily.

The light-haired boy groaned before cursing himself internally for responding, "What do you want Tendou-san? And I told you, stop calling me that!"

"Now now Semi Semi, don't be like that. I was just wondering if you knew what instrument (L/N)-san played. You are in symphony with her, right?" Tendou couldn't help but notice your bright teal case in the library though he never brought himself to ask you what was inside. 

"Oh, her. She plays the viola and I heard she's pretty talented. She won an international competition and a few more in Tokyo." Semi didn't have to add the last bit, but it made him feel proud that he new more about you than Tendou did.

This seemed to catch the attention of the other guys on the team as well. Shirabu was next to join in on the fun. "Who are we talking about? Does Semi-san have a crush? Maybe he'd lose her to me like how he lost his position as setter," he snickered a bit, wiggling his eyebrows at a very red-looking Semi.

He was brighter than an overripe tomato at this point, "I-I do not have a crush on (L/N)-san! She's just a very pretty girl that happens to be in symphony like me!" 

"Calm down Semi-san, you know how Shirabu is. Let's just practice before Wakatoshi-kun gets upset," Ohira was one of the more level-headed ones on the team and luckily he was able to defuse a situation. Goshiki and Tendou would have only made it worse. 

Ushijima was still in his own world while this was happening, but he snapped out of it quickly and led the team through their drills for the day. Coach Washijō was pleased with their progress, dismissing them earlier than normal. The sun was still setting when the boys left the gym, many of them were already thinking about dinner.

"Wakatoshi-kun, are you going to put your stuff in the room first or do you want to eat now?" Tendou cocked his head to the side as he studied Ushijima.

"I am going to put my bags in the dorm first."

Tendou nodded and turned to follow his teammates, "Come eat with us when you're done, and bring my copy of "Jump!" with you, I haven't finished it yet."

Ushijima gave a stern nod and made his way to the dorms. He would have gotten there quickly if he didn't pause to listen to the music coming from nearby. For a second it stopped, only to start again louder. He followed the sound to a shady tree behind the student resident area and found you with your viola. 

This was a sight. He had never seen someone perform live before, even if it wasn't an actual recital. Your eyes were closed, focusing only on playing to your heart's content. For a moment, Ushijima thought he had seen the same passion in your movements as he felt during volleyball. But as quickly as it came, it was gone. 

You opened your eyes to meet his, calmer than your previous interactions. It wasn't difficult to tell you were being watched. The intensity of his gaze was enough for your instincts to tell you someone was there. 

"I got kicked out of the music department," you explained, "It was already past 7:00 and that's when they close. I just needed somewhere else to practice that wasn't my room." He only stared at you, the same stoic expression on his face.

"Well, is there something you needed? You smell a little off and you should probably bathe before dinner." You immediately regretted the words that came out and your hand flew up to cover your mouth.

Ushijima didn't falter at your remarks, "You are very blunt and disrespectful (L/N)-san," and with that he walked away. 

Ugh, oh well. At least he left.

There was something about him that made you feel on edge but it also pushed you to want to prove yourself. You scoffed at this, it was unlike you to feel the need to hold someone's attention. However, he wasn't like the other people you had come across before. Tucking your viola back into its case gently, you picked up your bags and walked towards the dining hall.

You saw Seiya-san sitting by herself and went to join her. She was nice enough and friends other than Makoto and Goshiki sounded like a good idea. Perhaps the two first-years could become friends too. 

"Hi Seiya-san, is it okay if I sit with you tonight?" you asked.

She was very pretty for a first year, no one could deny that. "Y-yes (L/N) Senpai, i-it's okay with me. I can save a spot for you while you get your food if you like?" Your stomach growled, almost on cue as you realized that you should have grabbed a tray before heading over. 

"Yes, that would be great. I'll just leave my stuff here then, thank you." Excusing yourself you made your way to the buffet line. The cooks were serving yakisoba and takoyaki as a special welcome back treat. Though it wasn't your favorite, you scooped some on your plate before going to the salad bar. 

When you reached the table where Seiya was, you noticed that Makoto was already there waving you over. "I saw your bag here (L/N)-san so I wanted to sit here too!" You turned your attention to Seiya who was blushing profusely, "I'm sorry if this is an intrusion, we can move if you'd like," you offered. She shook her head, "N-no it's okay, really. Makoto-san is very polite, a-and so are you." 

Makoto was overjoyed at her comment, a little too enthusiastic for your liking. You rolled your eyes and sat down with your tray when Makoto explained that Goshiki was eating with his teammates. That didn't surprise you, but why he chose to hang out with a no-fun, serious, under emotional guy was the puzzling part. Although you had no idea if Ushijima actually made it to dinner, you just assumed he did.

Almost instantly after you thought that, Ushiwaka tapped you on the shoulder. "What was the name of the piece you were playing (L/N)-san?"

A/N: Okay! Everything will start picking up from here! I'm super excited to write the next part! There will be more Haikyuu!! characters that aren't from Shiratorizawa! <3

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