Chapter 7: Into the Gym

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Shiratorizawa had some of the most well designed facilities in the prefecture, given that it was a private academy. The only time you actually visited the gym was for a fitness test during track season. It seemed a lot bigger now that it was filled with volleyball players. Over in the corner there were two men sitting on folding chairs. The first one was young with dark hair and glasses, you assumed that was one of the coaches. The other man had a white tracksuit on and he looked ancient. 

Luckily Tendou was there to introduce you, "Hey there (L/N)-san, how come you didn't talk to me in class today? I only had Semi Semi to keep me company, but then he told me about you being manager!"

Oh boy. Had Semi told the whole team?

You were hoping that you could talk to the coaches privately and watch from the sidelines before making a decision, but from what Tendou had just said your position may be set in stone already.

"Oh, haha, well I didn't actually agree yet Tendou, my other friend kind of spoke up for me."

He quirked his mouth into a somewhat devious smile, "Makoto-san? Semi Semi wouldn't stop talking about him. We could just set them up you know."

"Yeah we could," you shrugged, "Although, it would be fun to mess with them a little first." Tendou leaned in closer at your suggestion, "Say (L/N)-san, that's not a bad idea."

A whistle blew on the far side of the court and the two of you turned your attention there. The younger man you noticed earlier spoke up, "Alright everyone! Let's have a short team meeting and begin practice." 

"As you know, the team has been searching for a manager. Semi-san took initiative and found someone who could potentially assist us this year," he motioned at you to come forward, "please, introduce yourself."

There were so many tall players on the team and having them all huddled close together seemed a little threatening. "Hi, my name is (L/N) (F/N) and I am a third year at the academy. Though I have no prior experience in volleyball, I hope to learn more and help you succeed in all of your matches this season." A few murmurs and nods of approval went around before the older coach interjected, "(L/N)-san, why are you really here?"

Huh? Why am I- oh no, does he think I like someone on the team?


"I'll repeat myself, why are you really here?"

It hadn't occurred to you that the coaches of all people would be hostile. It was fair though, they needed to make sure their manager was headstrong and reliable. 

"Well sir, Semi-san had asked me if I was interes-"

"Let me make this simple for you, do you want to be here? We have no use for someone that's weak. If you are not going to give it your best, please leave."

You were stunned. This was definitely not going the way you planned, but now you were backed into a corner. You didn't know the team well and certainly not the coaches. However, you were not weak. Everything you had done was always to the best of your ability and this man had the audacity to assume that you were less than that.

"I am not weak and I am certainly not a slacker. Whether it be in music or sports, I have given nothing but my best. I will not sit by and listen to you speak ill of me. As the manager of the Shiratorizawa team I promise to do everything I can to help you all reach the top and anything less would be disappointing." 

Your sudden outburst was enough to take everyone by surprise. No one had spoken to Coach Washijō like that, not even Coach Saitō.

Semi was the first to cut the tension, "This is why I asked her coach, (L/N)-san is known for her determination and hard work. If anyone would be a good manager, it's her." Tendou and Goshiki seemed slightly relieved at his intervention while the rest of the team was in shock. Ushijima simply glared at you from where he stood. 

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