The Summer before it all Began

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3rd Person POV:

Y/n Dusk is a shy, 11 year old girl, but opens up and can be really goofy and lighthearted when with people she's close with (such as her family, she didn't really grow up with her friends due to her shy personality, but she was okay with that). She's no goody-two-shoes, but knows her limit for rule-breaking. She comes from a family of wizards, and is expecting her letter to Hogwarts any day now. She was so excited to get to go to Hogwarts, and meet the greatest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever had, Albus Dumbledore. She expects to be put into Hufflepuff, because although her family is a more purerblood family, both of her parents were Hufflepuff's, and she always identified with her parents' personalities. They were kind, loyal, and extremely dedicated to helping those who need it. They weren't the richest, they lived in London, but still had enough money to have a decently nice house, which they called Dusk Headquarters, and also had enough to afford Y/n's school supplies.

Y/n's POV:

"Mum, it came!" I yell, running to the kitchen, "It came!"

Mum, still looking at me like a crazy person, even though she knew deep down what it was, but wanted to play along, asks me "Sweetie, what came?" She had to hold back a laugh so she could keep the little act up.

"My letter! I've been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" I say, hoping Mum would finally break.

"I know, I know," Mum says, I knew I could crack her "I'm so proud of you Y/n." She adds on, pulling me into a hug. "Why don't you go tell your father, I'm sure he'll be just as excited as you."

After pulling out of the hug I decide to go find father, and I remember he's outside working on the garden, I love the garden, it's my little escape from reality. I spot dad working on the strawberries, and I run up to him from behind and slightly tap him on the shoulder, causing him to flinch a little, considering he didn't know I came outside.

"Gosh Y/n you scared me!" Dad says, he doesn't sound mad though, just a bit startled. "What's that you've got there?" He says, pointing towards the letter.

"Oh nothing..." I say, putting a smirk on my face, "Just my letter to Hogwarts." I say, trying to sound nonchalant about it

"Oh my gosh, really?!" Says dad, his eyes growing wide from excitement, "Well let me see, I wanna see if the letter's changed at all since I was accepted... hm, not one bit." He says, scanning through my letter. "Well we of course have to go to Diagon Alley for all this, how about we leave tomorrow?" He suggests.

"Sounds perfect to me! I'll tell Mum." I say, taking the letter and going back inside, telling Mum about our plan for tomorrow.

Diagon Alley Day

I wake up the next day to the smell of bacon and waffles. I love waffles. I then realize it's Diagon Alley day! I run downstairs, kiss Mum and Dad good morning, quickly eat breakfast, and then run back upstairs to get ready. What should I wear today? I mean, what if there's some cute guys there? I gotta look nice, but not fancy, and still be comfortable, but not sloppy looking. I decide to wear a nice t-shirt, and some blue skinny jeans. This looks nice enough. I then walk back downstairs.

When I get downstairs, Mum and Dad both look at me, impressed that I actually wore a nicer outfit for a change. "You look great sweetie." Mum says, I can tell she's being genuine. That's what's great about being me, I can easily sniff out lies, it's like a hidden superpower.

Mum and Dad both grab their money, we all go to surround the fireplace, grab floo powder, and one by one say "Diagon Alley."

We all walk outside and I'm awestruck. Such a magical place it is, and has a very energetic and happy vibe to it.

"Alright Y/n," Dad says, "Why don't you and Mum go to get your wand, and I'll go buy your robes and school books?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." I say, but I'm mostly focused on this owl I see in another store's window, a jet black, and majestic looking one, with piercing, cold, black eyes.

I turn back to Mum, and we start off to Mr. Ollivander's wand shop. It's an older looking shop, and a little unorganized, almost like someone had knocked everything over. I then look over and see a boy. He looks around my age, he has raven-ish colored hair, which was straight and a tad bit messy, and striking, emerald eyes. He looks a little bit shocked, looking at the wand he held in his hand, and I was about to ask him what he was so confused about, but then I see something on his forehead, a red lightning bolt to be exact. He was the famous Harry Potter!

I was about to introduce myself, but a man, a very tall man, might I add, came in and was about to leave with Harry. I look at him one last time, and kinda smile before he leaves, he smiles back and then leaves.

After getting everything on my school list, my family and I start to head back to where we had came from, so we could use floo powder to get back, but then we pass the owl shop again, and I see that beautiful owl I had seen earlier.

I normally don't like asking for things because I know Mum and Dad don't have the most money, but this owl is something I really want.

I tug onto Mum's sleeve to grab her attention. She turns around and gives me a questioning look, like there was something wrong.

Before she can say anything, I point to the owl and say "I know it's expensive, but could I please get this owl? I've been eyeing her all day," (I knew it was a she because I used to be extremely obsessed with owls) "and I would really like to have her so I can send you guys letters more easily."

Mum and Dad look at each other and nod, hopefully in agreement to let me get the owl.

"Yes, Y/n, you may have the owl." Dad says with a smile, seeing how happy I am with their response. "But under one condition," He continues. "Promise me I won't be having to clean up any bird poop." He says laughing, but I can tell he's also being serious, he hates cleaning up after people.

"Yes Dad, I promise." I say, laughing in response. "I'm going to name her Midnight because of her jet black feathers, and the fact that I can just tell she'll be there for me whenever I need it. Even if it's midnight."

"Oh that's a great name, Y/n." Mum said.

I smile down at my now new owl, excited to see what she'll do for me in the future.

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