The Summer Before Slytherin

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3rd Person POV

It is now Y/n's second year at Hogwarts, and it's just a few weeks before school starts. Y/n has already gotten her letter, and she and her family are at Diagon Alley today to get Y/n's school supplies.

Y/n's POV

Diagon Alley and the Book Shop

Mum, Dad and I are shopping for my school supplies today, which is exciting for me. I finally get to go back to my other home soon! 

I wrote a lot to Hermione, and some Ron this summer and got updates on how they were doing, but I never heard once from Harry. I tried writing him multiple times, so that kinda hurt. Maybe I got the address wrong or something? I'm not sure, but I hope I get to see him today, I know Hermione'll be here at least so that's good.

After getting all of my other supplies for school, Mum, Dad and I make our way to our last stop, Flourish and Blotts. I still haven't seen any of my friends yet which is getting me a little worried, hopefully they're all at the bookstore.

We walk into the store to see a huge crowd, "Why don't you go to the front and see if you can find any of your friends?" Mum says as she pushes me forward. 

"Alright." I reply as I make my way towards the front. The crowds were way bigger than usual today because this famous guy, Gilderoy Lockhart is apparently speaking here today. 

I push my way to the very front, and I recognize that bushy brown hair, and the redhead standing next to them from anywhere.

"Ron! Hermione!" I call out, causing them to turn around.

"Y/n!" Hermione exclaims as we pull each other into a hug.

"Long time no see." Ron laughs, waving to me. I wave back.

"Hey Y/n, how was the rest of your summer?" Fred and George ask in unison. I had written them a few times over the summer too, they would pretend to be Ron and write funny stuff to me at first, but Ron found out and got angry, so they had to start writing to me separately.

"Good, but it was more entertaining when I was writing to you two." I joke, making the three of us laugh. 

I then greet Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and then Ginny, the youngest of the Weasleys. This year is gonna be her first at Hogwarts.

I look around to see if Harry's here too, but he's not, "Do you know what the deal is with Harry?" I ask, still looking around, "I haven't heard from him all summer." I say disappointedly.

"He should be here soon. He came with us, but I think he ended up in the wrong place." Ron says, not worried at all, "And don't worry about him not writing, apparently someone was stealing his letters before they got to him." Ron continues, "Believe me, he definitely would've written to you all summer if he could've." Ron smirks.

What's that supposed to mean? Hermione rolls her eyes, annoyed, but Ron, George and Fred seem to be trying to hold a laugh in. Ginny looks jealous. Why? 

"Come on Y/n, let's go see if we can find Harry." Hermione says, puling me away from the laughing brothers and angry sister. 

We start to walk along the street in Diagon Alley.

"What was that all about back there?" I ask, pointing towards the bookstore we just left.

"Well-" Hermione starts, but she looks up and her eyes light up, "Harry! Hagrid!" She yells, running to a dirty looking Harry, and Hogwarts's gamekeeper, Hagrid.

I chase after her to meet with Harry and Hagrid.

"Hello Hermione and Y/n." Hagrid says, looking down at us both. I look at Harry, with him and his re-broken glasses. I don't know how he does it.

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