First Year -Chapter 6

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Nicholas Flammel

It's now around Christmas time, and nothing truly interesting had happened in awhile, but Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were still wondering about the three-headed dog, Snape trying to get past it, and also jinxing Harry's broom, so we decide to go and ask Hagrid about it as we walk with him on a path.

"Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?" Hagrid asks after we tell him about Snape at the first quidditch game.

"Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?" Harry asks, sort of interrogating Hagrid.

Hagrid turns to us suspiciously, "Who told you 'bout Fluffy?" He asks. What kind of name is that for such a vicious creature?

"Fluffy?" Ron asks, pointing out the irony in the name.

"That thing has a name?" Hermione asks.

"Well, of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year." Hagrid says rather proudly, "Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the..." He trails off, realizing he almost revealed a secret.

"Yes?" Harry says, hoping Hagrid'll break.

"Shouldn't have said that. No more questions! Don't ask any more questions. That's top secret, that is." Hagrid says.

"But, Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it." I chime in, hoping that will make Hagrid give in.

"Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher." Hagrid retorts.

"Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I've read all about them. You've got to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking." Hermione states, Ron, Harry and I nod in agreement.

"Exactly." Harry says.

Hagrid then sighs, "Now, you listen to me, all four of you. You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous." He then continues, not paying attention to the words coming out of his own mouth, "What that dog is guarding is strictly between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." Our eyes open wide with shock and confusion with the information Hagrid just revealed.

Harry then looks at us, then back at Hagrid confused, "Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asks.

Hagrid, irritated, starts to walk away and mumbles, "I shouldn't said that. I should not have said that."

Hagrid walks away, still mumbling to himself. 

"Nicholas Flamel. Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asks turning to Hermione, hoping she'll have the answers.

"I don't know." Hermione answers, shaking her head.

Leaving for Christmas

It's a few days before Christmas, and Hermione and I head down to the Great Hall to say goodbye to Harry and Ron before we leave for our Christmas break.

We walk in to see the two boys playing a game of Wizard's chess, "Knight to E5." Harry says, but that's no good, Ron's just gonna take him out with his queen.

"Queen to E5." Ron says with a smug look. Hermione and I watch as the queen goes and knocks the knight.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione exclaims. I'm guessing she's never played before.

"He had that coming for him." I say.

Ron gives me with a cocky look, "Oh so you play too? Let's see if you can beat me."

"I would," I say, "but I kinda gotta go home." I say.

Ron then looks at both Hermione and I, "I see you've packed."

"See you haven't." Hermione says.

"Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron shoots back, full of pride.

"Good, you can help Harry, then. He's going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermione says, involuntarily setting them both up for the job.

"We've looked a hundred times." Ron complains.

Hermione then moves down closer to Harry and Ron, and says in a whisper, "Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas." Hermione says, taking off.

Ron then looks at Harry and me, "I think we've had a bad influence on her." He says.

"I'm kind of proud though." I say, and then leave to go join Hermione on the train, "Happy Christmas!" I call back to them with a wave.

Christmas Morning

I wake up to my stupid alarm, and slap it so hard wondering why I had set it for 5 in the morning. I lay in my bed for a few minutes, still annoyed, but then I look at my calendar and see that it's Christmas!

I sprint to Mum and Dad's room an jump up and down on their bed repeatedly, "Wake up!" I say, pulling at their blanket as they start to wake up, "It's Christmas!" I exclaim.

"We're comingggg." Mum says, still half asleep.

Dad gets up with me and we run downstairs to see all the presents under the tree and in our stockings, "Whoa." I say, mesmerized by everything looking so full and beautiful.

Mum then comes downstairs, "Happy Christmas!" She says in a sleepy voice, clearly still tired.

"Happy Christmas!" Dad and I say as we all hug each other.

We then get to the present opening, and then for the rest of the day I spend my time eating and helping Mum cook for the small feast we're going to eat tonight with just the three of us. I'm always so full afterwards.

It finally comes to dinner time. We all sit down and mentally prepare ourselves to be extremely full afterwards. I was mostly excited for the ham, Mum makes the best ham ever. 

"So what house did you get in?" Mum asks while we eat.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry I thought I had sent you all a letter back." I say, feeling terrible, "I've been so busy this first semester that I forgot."

"Busy with what?" Dad asks curiously.

I then explain everything from first semester. How I had gotten into Gryffindor, which shockingly Mum and Dad weren't upset with. I then told them about Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Wait, you met the Harry Potter." Dad asks partly jealous.

"Yep, he's a really good friend. He, Ron and Hermione are all in Gryffindor with me." I tell them.

I then tell them about Harry being the youngest seeker in the century, due to standing up the Malfoy, they both cringed at the name Malfoy. 

"Have you talked to Malfoy?" Mum asked, making sure I'd say no.

"Yes, but only to tell him to shut up." I reply, proud of myself.

"Wow." Dad says impressed, "I'd never expect that out of you."

"Yeah, I guess I was just really angry." I laugh.

I decide not to tell them about Fluffy, I don't want them worrying about me.

We finish up eating, and then having dessert while we still talk about Hogwarts.

After talking for awhile, I start to notice I'm getting really tired.

"It's getting pretty late, already 10:30." I say, "I'm gonna head up to bed." I announce, hugging Mum and Dad goodnight.

"Goodnight hun." Dad says as I head up to bed.

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