Third Year - Chapter 1

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The Dementors

I sent an owl to my parents wishing them farewell and to wish me luck, today's our first day of 3rd year. Who knows after what's happened these past two years if I'll even come back alive. At least I'll get to see Malfoy. Now that I know he can be a good person he's honestly a little more attractive.

The Weasley's, Hermione, Harry and I are all at Kings Cross Station, us kids waving goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley isn't waving back though, she's running towards us holding something. Scabbers.

"Ron, Ron!" She yells, "Oh for goodness' sake! Don't lose him!" She yells as she hands him the rat as we pull out from the station.

We walk down the train aisle hoping to find an empty compartment. As we're looking around we decide to ask Harry about what really happened with his aunt.

"I didn't mean to blow her up. I just... I lost control." He says, trying to sound bad about it but we all know he regrets nothing.

"Brilliant!" Ron and I laugh, proud of Harry for standing up for his mum and dad.

"Honestly guys, it's not funny." Hermione says.

"It is a little." I laugh.

"Harry was lucky not to be expelled." Hermione says as we walk further down the aisle.

"I was lucky not to be arrested." Harry corrects.

"I still think it was brilliant." Ron says.

Hermione stops us at a compartment, "Come on. Everywhere else is full." She says, leading us into a compartment with one other person in there, who appears to be asleep.

"Who do you think that is?" Ron asks.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione answers.

"Do you know everything?" Ron asks her, "How is it she knows everything?" He asks us, we just shrug.

"It's on his suitcase Ronald." Hermione says, pointing to the man's suitcase.

"Oh..." Ron says.

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asks.

"Seems to be. Why?" I ask.

"I gotta tell you guys something." Harry says, getting up and closing the compartment door.

Harry explains to us all about what Mr. Weasley had told him. It was about Sirius Black. He's escaped to kill Harry. 

"Let me get this straight." Ron says, shocked with all the information that was just revealed, "Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?"

"Yeah." Harry says. He doesn't sound that scared though, which is helping my nerves. I'd never want to lose Harry.

"But they'll catch Black, won't they?" Hermione asks nervously.

"Sure." Ron says, "Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and he's a murderous, raving lunatic."

"Thanks Ron." Harry says sarcastically.

"You'll be alright Harry." I say reassuringly, not to reassure just Harry, but also myself.

Suddenly the train comes to a halting stop.

"Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet." Hermione says frantically.

"What's going on?" Ron asks.

"I don't know." Harry shrugs.

"Maybe we've broken down?" I suggest.

Ron leans to look out the window, "Ouch Ron." Hermione says, "That was my foot."

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