First Year - Chapter 3

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The Dorms

We walk out of the Great Hall, following Percy, "Gryffindors, follow me please. Keep up. Thank you." He says, leading us to these staircases. Although, they're not ordinary staircases, they move. They also go very high up. We better not have a lot of walking to do, I'm tired.

We all follow Percy up the stairs, "This is the most direct path to the dormitories." He says while we walk up the stairs. "Keep up, please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on." He pleads, obviously a little annoyed that us first years are looking like a bunch of rubbernecks. 

We then spot the moving pictures, "Seamus," Neville says, looking at a shorter boy with brown hair, "that picture's moving!"

"Look at that one Harry!" I say, pointing to a picture with a boy a little older than us.

"I think he fancies you." Harry says, seeing that the picture was now winking at me. I start to blush a little, not gonna lie.

We keep walking up the stairs, pointing out the pictures to one another, when we finally stop in front of a large portrait, with a large woman in it, "Password?" She asks.

"Caput Draconis." Percy replies, very clearly, making sure everyone could hear him.

Percy then leads us into a room, which has lots of nice seating, a fireplace, and ooh! Is that a chessboard I see? I love wizards chess, I would always play against Dad, he would mostly let me win but I'm still pretty decent.

"Gather round here." Percy says, grabbing all of our attention, "Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room." He then points to his left and says, "Boys' dormitories, upstairs and down to your left." He then points to the right, "Girls, the same on your right." He's now facing us again, "You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up." Well that's nice, I don't feel like doing anymore walking.

Hermione and I walk over to Harry and Ron to say our goodnight's, and then we turn to go up to our dorms to unpack.

Meeting the Dorm Mates

Hermione and I enter our dorm room, and see two girls already unpacking on the other side of the room. They had taken two beds that were next to each other, leaving Hermione and I two beds that were also next to each other. 

Hermione goes to her bed and immediately begins to unpack, but I decide to first find Midnight to pet and feed her, and then examine the room a little bit. The beds are four-posters, which aren't the nicest, but they sure are comfy. We have a few windows which look out to the lake, such a pretty view it is. 

I look around a little bit more, and then realize I still have to unpack.

It doesn't take me too long to unpack, a half an hour at most. I decide to go and talk with Hermione since she was finished unpacking to.

"I'm so glad we're in the same house." I say, sitting down on her bed with her, "I thought I was gonna be a Hufflepuff because my parents were."

Hermione looks at me with a smile, "I'm glad too, I was afraid I wasn't going to have any friends. I didn't have many in the muggle world... my parents are muggles." She adds, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh that's cool," I say, helping her realize that I don't really care if someone has muggle or pureblood parents, "What do your parents do for jobs then?" I ask.

"They're dentists, pretty boring if you ask me." She says, laughing a little bit.

Hermione and I keep talking and laughing for awhile, when I see that the two girls are also having their own conversation on the other side of the room.

"Should we introduce ourselves?" I ask Hermione, nodding towards the other two girls.

"Sure." Hermione says, standing up, and helping me up.

"Okay, but you have to speak first." I say, letting my shyness come back.

Hermione nods, and then walks up to the two girls, "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger." She says, holding her hand out. 

"Hi Hermione," The first girl says rather cautiously, she must be a little shy too, "I'm Lavender Brown." She says, shaking Hermione's hand.

"I'm Parvati Patel." The other girl says, more cheery than Lavender, she must be more social.

"I'm Y/n," I say, more shyly, "Nice to meet you both." I say with a small wave.

They both nod and smile at me, and then we all start asking each other about our lives, and first impressions on the people here, "I thought that Ron boy was rather dreamy, I wonder what he and the other boys are doing right now." Lavender says, looking at us with daydreaming eyes.

"Eww, not Ron!" Hermione exclaims with a laugh.

"Fine by me, he's all mine." Lavender says, and we all start cracking up.

I then chime in, "At least we can all agree we don't like Malfoy."

The other girls all make disgusted sounds, agreeing with me, "His whole family is cruel, full of deatheaters." Parvati says matter-of-factly, "I wouldn't be shocked if one day Malfoy became one himself."

We all shudder at the thought of that, but quickly move onto another topic.

The conversation slowly starts to die down, and I see that it's already midnight, "We should probably get to bed," I say, slightly upset because I wanted to stay up all night, but I also know that I'm not a morning person, "we do have our first classes tomorrow anyways." 

Lavender, Parvati and Hermione all nod in agreement, and we start to get up from the floor of our dorm room.

"Goodnight guys, it's nice to know I have some people to talk to." I say, smiling at my now new friends.

"Goodnight everyone, it was nice getting to know you all." Parvati says with a smile.

"Goodnight." Lavender and Hermione both say with a smile and a wave.

We all go under our covers, and everyone quickly falls asleep except for me.

I keep replaying what Parvati said about Malfoy in my head, 'I wouldn't be shocked if one day Malfoy became one himself.' 

Does this mean that Voldemort will come back soon? I know that he didn't die that night he tried to kill Harry, everyone should know that. Is he really going to come back while I'm in school though? And is Malfoy really going to join their side? I mean, he isn't a good person, but I could never see him siding with the bad side like that. 

I toss and turn with my thoughts for a little longer, but then finally fall asleep.


Sorry for the short chapter, but if I added what I was planning to add for this chapter it'd be about 5,000 words long, and, well, that's long.

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