The Summer Before the Traitor

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Quick A/N

Okay, so I know this took me a lot longer than usual to publish, so I'm sorry, but with school, I have a lot less time to write. Also, from this year on, I'm adding a lot of my own scenes to make the story more interesting and flow easier since this is from Y/n Dusk's POV, not Harry's, so some things may become canon or change from what they were before, don't come at me. That being said, writing scenes can be hard, so it takes more of my time to write a scene then to just copy paste some of the lines from a script already given to me. I hope you still enjoy this though, and I will continue to write even though it might take me more time :)

3rd Person POV

It is now Y/n's third year at Hogwarts. She's changed a lot physically since last summer, but she's still the sweet, yet not as shy girl. She's grown an inch or two over the summer, and her body has started to form more. She now has more defined hips, and is developing an hourglass shape. 

Over the summer she kept in touch with most of her friends. She and Harry got closer over the summer, he still seems to fancy her. She didn't return the feelings like that though. She didn't ever visit her friends, Harry obviously couldn't, Ron was in Egypt and Hermione spent a lot of time gathering background for the classes this year. She felt lonely a lot of the time, especially with her parents at work most of the time. They never told her what they were doing there, they said it was confidential ministry business. 

With her having so much free time with her parents at work and having no siblings, she spent most of her time thinking about the year before. Mostly about Draco Malfoy. She still didn't understand why he kept it a secret that he helped last year. Thinking about him helping did raise the question of her old feelings for him again. She pictured him as the boy she knew, the one who deep down wanted to help. Is that the boy he will become though? A helpful friend, or a boy who cowards? 

Y/n's POV

The Leaky Cauldron

It feels like it's been years since I've seen everyone. I wrote to Hermione and Harry during the summer, Ron not so much, he's not very good at that stuff. Fred and George stayed in touch with me though, they told me about their trip to Egypt, it sounded pretty fun! Since I never really saw anyone I thought about Malfoy. I still don't get why he never said anything. All he wanted at first was to be friends with Harry. If he had said something wouldn't he have gotten that friendship? I guess I could find out this year, but involves a lot of confrontation.

Today's my yearly trip to Diagon Alley. Hermione, the Weasleys and I are all meeting up at the Leaky Cauldron so we can also be with Harry. I'm not exactly sure why he stayed at the Leaky Cauldron. Apparently he blew up his aunt? I got an owl today from Hermione telling me the change of plans, so of course I told my parents we had to go immediately. They were skeptical at first, hearing about Sirius Black's escape, but they decided to let me go. Anyways, I'll wanna hear more about the aunt situation, it honestly sounds entertaining.

I arrive at the Leaky Cauldron and I the first thing I hear are Ron and Hermione arguing already. They can't even go 2 minutes without arguing. They sound like an old couple if I'm being honest.

"I'm warning you, Hermione." I hear Ron say.

I walk into their sight, "Hey guys." I wave awkwardly.

"Hey Y/n!" Hermione smiles, her anger fading from Ron.

"Y/n since you're here why don't you settle this argument." Ron says, his anger still present.

"Nice to see you too." I roll my eyes.

Hermione and Ron both look way different too, a lot older. They both also grew, and are also starting to form into more mature bodies.

Hermione goes back to her scowl and turns to Ron, "Oh okay, that's how you want to be."

"It is." Ron glares at her, "Keep that beast away from Scabbers, or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." He threatens, pointing to the ginger haired, angry looking cat in Hermione's arms.

"It's a cat, Ronald." Hermione corrects him, "And what do you expect? It's in his nature."

"A cat? Is that what they told you? Looks like a pig with hair." Ron insults. I have to hold back a laugh from that.

"That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush." Hermione retorts.

"Bloody hell." I mutter under my breath and burst out laughing. I'm the only one laughing though, Ron and Hermione are giving each other a death glare.

I look away, feeling bad for laughing, when I spot those green eyes that I'm all too familiar with at the top of the stairs in the room, "Harry!" I exclaim.

Ron and Hermione break their little glare off and look to the stairs too.

"Harry!" Hermione and Ron exclaim.

Harry smiles back at all of us, and we all go to sit at a long table. The rest of Weasleys are now here to sit with us while we all eat breakfast together and get ready for Diagon Alley.

Hermione and I sit across from Harry and Ron, I keep seeing Harry sneak glances at me. I catch him at one point, and he blushes and quickly looks away. I pretend that I didn't notice so he wouldn't be embarrassed.

To break the awkwardness, Harry decides to ask Ron about his trip to Egypt.

"Brilliant. Loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs," Ron says, showing us the newspaper where he and his family were on the front page where they talked about their trip. He then glances at Hermione, "even Scabbers enjoyed himself."

"Egyptians used to worship cats." Hermione says.

"Along with the dung beetle." Ron says.

"Not flashing that clipping again?" Fred and George ask, walking over to their seats at the table, seeing Ron with the newspaper.

"I haven't shown anyone." Ron says.

"No, not a soul. Not unless you count Tom. The day maid. Night maid. Cook. The bloke who fixed the toilet." Fred and George go back and forth.

Ron shakes his head in annoyance, but I look over at the twins and giggle.

"How's your summer Y/n?" The twins ask.

"Alright." I say, "You?"

"Well as our annoying brother's already said," Fred says.

"Pretty good." George finishes.

"Hello Y/n dear." I turn around to see Mrs. Weasley coming towards me with open arms. I hug her back, she always gives the best hugs, "How're your parents?" She asks, seeing they're not here.

"Pretty good, spending a lot of the time at the Ministry since Black escaped." I say, probably sounding a little sorrowful.

She smiles, seeming like she understands, and goes over to greet Hermione.

I look over and see Mr. Weasley pull Harry over to the side. 

He seems be explaining something to Harry, but it's obviously meant to be in private, they keep moving when someone comes near them. Weird.

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