Third Year - Chapter 3

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The Boggart

After my breakdown in the common room, I pull myself together, and meet Harry, Ron and Hermione at the entrance of the Great Hall to walk to DADA. 

"Where were you?" Ron asks as we walk down the corridor.

"Oh, um, nowhere." I say, hoping my tears from earlier aren't visible.

Ron and Harry shrug, and walk ahead of Hermione and I, but Hermione can tell something's up.

"Tell me after class." Hermione whispers to me. I nod my head.

Hermione walks the other way... even though I thought we had class together. I think nothing of it and go to catch up with Harry and Ron. We enter the classroom, and I remember we have it with the Slytherins. I keep my head low to make sure Malfoy can't catch my eye and make me more vulnerable.

I lead the three of us to the front of classroom, making sure Malfoy's out of sight, but I catch my eyes wandering anyways. I spot Malfoy's who arm's in a sling. What a drama queen. Luckily, he doesn't notice me looking.

I turn back to the front, and look at the closet that's presented before us. It's shaking.

"Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" Professor Lupin says, stepping out into the classroom. He looks paler and weaker than he did when I saw him yesterday. He also has a few scratches on his face. Wonder what happened to him...

"That's a boggart, that is." Dean says.

"Very good Mr. Thomas." Lupin says, "Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows." Hermione says... wait, Hermione? She wasn't here a second ago.

"When did she get here?" Ron asks.

"I was thinking the same thing." I say. Glad I'm not the only one who's perplexed by this.

"Boggarts are shape-shifters." Hermione says, ignoring us, "They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. That's what makes them so..."

"So terrifying, yes, yes, yes." Lupin finishes, "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please." He adds, and we all follow him with a swish and flick movement, just like all other spells, each one differing a bit, "After me. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" Us students repeat.

"Very good." He says, "A little louder and very clear. Listen: Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" We say again.

"This class is ridiculous." I hear Malfoy mutter. I can almost hear his eyeroll.

Lupin either didn't hear him or just chooses to ignore him, "Very good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain." He then looks over us all, "Neville, would you join me, please? Come on, don't be shy." Neville slowly walks to Lupin, "Hello. Neville, what frightens you most of all?"

"Prfrr npe." Neville says so quietly that none of us know what he said.

"Sorry?" Lupin says.

"Professor Snape." He says more clearly, and we all giggle. Snape can be pretty terrifying.

"Professor Snape. Yes, frightens all." Lupin chuckles. I'm glad some teacher here agrees, "You live with your grandmother?" He asks Neville.

"Yes, I don't want it to turn into her, either." Neville says quickly.

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