Fourth Year - Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

The Library

"Such an idiot." Fred says as George and I sit down with him in the library. We had to tell Cedric multiple times that I was alright before he finally went back to his common room. The twins scared Cedric off a little bit I think, they gave him a few glares.

"Why were you two glaring at Cedric?" I ask as we sit in the back of the library, making sure no one can hear us.

"Isn't it obvious?" They ask.

"Obviously not." I say, still not understanding.

"That Cedric boy's got a crush on you." Fred says.

"Pretty big one, if you ask me." George adds on.

"You think he does?" I ask excitedly, "I mean, I thought he did, but I wasn't for sure."

"We can tell." They say, crossing their arms protectively.

"But since we're your big brothers." Fred says.

"Not real ones, but close enough." George says.

"We're watching him." They both say.

"Watching?" I laugh.

"It's our job to protect you since you don't got any older siblings." Fred says.

"So we see him staring at you, we stare him right back down." George says.

"But I like it." I say.

"Doesn't matter." They both shrug, making me laugh, "We want you to be happy but not too happy with him."

"So what you're telling me," I say, shaking my head in confusion, "is that you want me to be happy with him, but you want to make sure he's not getting too comfortable?"

"Exactly!" They say, "He breaks your heart, we break him."

"Okay." I laugh.

"We'll be keeping an eye on you two." They say.

"Alright." I roll my eyes, "But we don't even know for sure if he likes me."

"Please." Fred rolls his eyes.

"You two looked liked tomatoes whenever the other was around." George says.

"I did NOT!" I retort.

"Whatever you tell yourself." They roll their eyes.

"How do I even bring up the topic with him?" I ask, "We barely see each other, earlier today was the first I'd seen him since we've been back at school."

"We dunno." They shrug.

"We pay more attention to pranks." George says.

"We've never asked someone out." Fred laughs, almost like I should've known.

"I'd rather him ask me." I say.

New Arrivals

All us students stand on the bridge, watching the sky as horse-drawn carriages fly down to the ground.

Today the two wizarding schools - Beauxbatons and Dumstrang - arrive at Hogwarts for the beginning of the Tri-Wizard tournament.

Hagrid's by the landing being used for the carriages, trying to wave the horses where to go. The horses don't really seem to care though, as they fly right over Hagrid.

"That's something you don't see everyday." George laughs as we watch a ship now emerge from the water.

The ship's huge.

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