The Summer Before He Came Back Part 2

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The Big Game

It's now time for the cup, and there are so. Many. Stairs.

The stadium is really nice though, it's very large, and has many rows of seats. The stadium curves inward a little, but it's perfect structurally for events like this.

"Blimey Dad, how far up are we?" Ron asks as he and I pant our way up the stairs. Cedric and Mr. Diggory are ahead of us, of course.

A voice below us answers that question.

"Well put it this way, if it rains..." Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy says, "you'll be the first to know."

His son, the other Malfoy, is there with him as well. He hasn't changed much over the summer, just a little taller. After I've seen him for what he is though, he doesn't even seem attractive anymore. Maybe because of Cedric, but that's beside the point.

"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Malfoy says proudly.

"Don't boast Draco." Lucius says, hitting his son in the stomach with his odd-looking cane, "There's no need with these people." We ignore them, and turn to go to our seats, but Lucius stops Harry with his cane, "Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can."

After he let's Harry go, we walk up a few more stairs, and finally get to our seats at the very top of the stadium.

"Come on up, take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." Mr. Weasley says.

I go and stand between Hermione and Fred, watching the view from above. The view really is amazing. Despite how high up we are, everything can be seen, the people cheering, the balloons, everything.

"It's the Irish!" Fred exclaims, pointing to the team in green and white as they fly around the stadium. People cheer loudly for the team, including myself. Fred and George told me now that I have red hair I have no choice but to root for the Irish.

Fireworks start to explode forming into a Leprechaun, causing everyone to cheer even louder.

Just then, there's another burst of excitement, "Here come the Bulgarians!" George yells.

Five players, these all dressed in red, fly in, stealing all of the attention from the Irish. One of them being-

"KRUMMMM!!" The Weasleys all cheer.

"One of the best seekers in the world!" I exclaim. Krum might look like a knuckle-head, but Quidditch was definitely made for someone like him.

Krum, or Viktor shall I say, appears on the stands, almost like he's on a giant TV, and he starts waving.

"Good evening!" The announcer says through a loud speaker spell, "It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup." He says, "Let the match begin!"

The match starts, and it's a pretty good and intense one. I'd never want to play Quidditch, that's not my thing, but watching it and playing it just for fun is another thing. It's awesome.

The Irish score, and I turn to high-five Fred, and catch Cedric looking at me. I smile at him, and he smiles back, I look away to make sure he doesn't see me turning into a tomato-face.

A few minutes later I look back at him, hoping he won't notice, but instead I catch him looking at me again. Does he maybe like me too? No. Why would he? He doesn't even know me. To be fair, I don't really know him either, but I'd like to get to know him a bit more. Apparently he's a Hufflepuff, so he's patient and loyal. I also found out that he's 17, which is 3 years older, but I'm not bothered by it, he doesn't seem to be either.

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