Second Year - Chapter 5

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The past few days we haven't had much time to search for the diary, with classes and everyone being on high alert because of the Chamber, we haven't had much time to discuss the Chamber without feeling like someone's spying on us. 

Harry hasn't really been around as much anyways, with Quidditch practice and everything.

Today there's a quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. 

Ron and I have been waiting in the stands for Hermione for awhile, but she still hasn't shown.

"Where is she?" I ask, looking around all the stands in hope to see Hermione somewhere else.

"I dunno..." Ron says, looking around too.

We look around some more when I spot Professor McGonagall walking through our stand. She seems to be coming towards us, and for some reason Harry's with her?

"Miss Dusk and Mr. Weasley, follow me." She says when she gets close enough to us.

We join Harry and McGonagall, and we walk back up to the castle.

Harry, Ron and I, obviously confused, give each other nervous glances.

We then finally stop... at the hospital wing. This can't be good.

McGonagall leads the three of us in, "I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock."

We get closer to one of the beds and stop.

"Hermione!" Ron exclaims.

There on the bed lay Hermione, petrified.

Harry and my mouths go wide from shock.

"She was found near the Library, along with this." McGonagall says, handing us a small mirror, "Does it mean anything to either of you?"

"No." Harry replies, still looking shocked at Hermione.

McGonagall leaves us with petrified Hermione, so I go to sit by Hermione's side, tears in my eyes. I know she'll be okay, but it hurts seeing her laying there, looking lifeless.

Harry comes to sit by my side, causing Ron to feel a little awkward.

"I uh, I'll go tell the others..." He stutters, leaving Harry and I alone.

"She'll be okay." Harry reassures, sitting by side.

I don't really know what else to say, so I just look at him and smile, more tears falling. I can tell Harry's uncomfortable, so we both sit there in silence by Hermione's body. Not an awkward silence, a comfortable one, which strangely made me feel better.

After awhile, one of us decide to speak.

"I- I think I'll be okay now." I say, sniffling and now standing up.

"Okay, good." Harry says awkwardly, "How about we go back to the common room, I'm sure Ron's waiting for us."

"Yeah that sounds good." I agree, and we both make our way back to our common room.

We walk into our common room, and not so shortly after, Professor McGonagall walks through the portrait.

Most people don't notice, "Could I have your attention please?" She says, grabbing everyone's attention.

Harry and I find Ron by the fireplace and go to sit with him while McGonagall makes her announcement, "What d'you think this might be about?" Ron whispers, Harry and I both shrug.

"Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately." She starts, pulling out a scroll, "'All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions.'" She reads. I think during any other time students would complain, but everyone seems scared enough of the Chamber anyways, "I should tell you this, unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed." McGonagall finishes sadly.

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