Third Year - Chapter 4

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With the few interactions I had with Mum and Dad, over the summer, luckily one of them was them signing my permission form for Hogsmeade.

Fred and George have told me about Hogsmeade before, lots of food, which is nice. Probably will be Ron's favorite part, he's a boy who loves his food as much as his own mother. There's also the Shrieking Shack, which sounds creepy enough on its own, I'll view it from afar.

Sadly, I'll only be viewing it with Ron and Hermione, Harry never got his permission form signed. I feel bad for him, maybe I should stay back with him so he's not alone. I'd know a thing or two about that.

"Remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school that privilege shall not be extended again." McGonagall says as us students, mostly third, fourth and fifth years, stand together in a group, all excited for Hogsmeade. Harry walks up to McGonagall, holding his unsigned form.

"No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter." I hear McGonagall say.

"Those with permission, follow me. Those without, stay put." Filch says, obviously talking about Harry.

"I thought if you signed it, then I could..." Harry tries to argue.

"I can't. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." McGonagall says sternly, "I'm sorry, Potter. That's my final word." McGonagall says, her expression softening.

Other students begin to walk the other direction to Hogsmeade, but Ron, Hermione and I stay put.

"Forget about it, guys. See you later." Harry says, then disappears back into the castle.

Ron, Hermione and I nod, and head off to Hogsmeade.

"Should we've stayed with him?" I ask, feeling bad for Harry.

"I'm sure he would've been happy if you had just stayed back with him." Ron smirks, Hermione glares at him and smacks him with her scarf, "Ow!" 

"How d'you think Harry would feel if you'd said that with him around?" Hermione asks, "Just because she knows doesn't mean you need to bring it up."

I smile an evil grin, remembering our conversation in our dorm room, "You know I remember you saying something like tha-" 

"This is different." She says. Obviously not wanting to be proven wrong.

"Alright." I laugh, rolling my eyes. 

We arrive at Hogsmeade, already becoming cold. Winter's beginning.

"So where to first?" I ask.

"Well, we have to go to Zonko's." Ron says, "That's where Fred and George get everything they need, great place for pranks."

"Alright then let's go there first." Hermione says, and we head over to Zonko's. 

It's a nice place, lots of pranks just like Ron said, and of course the twins were there.

"Hey Y/n and Hermione!" They say in unison. I can't help but smile whenever they're around, they're like the older brothers I never had.

"Nice to see you too." Ron rolls his eyes.

"Ooh, first time at Hogsmeade." Fred says.

"Best place to start." George says.

"Yeah, Zonko's is how we do it all!" Fred exclaims.

"Ron you have to see this one candy we found, I think it's the exact same one we gave to you when you were younger." George says.

"Yeah, then Mum yelled at us for hours..." Fred says.

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