Chapter One

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"Ugh" I huffed landing on the couch with a thud.

The lockdown sucked.

Life had been pretty boring since it started, and it didn't seem like it was going to end soon.

I pulled out my phone from my trouser pocket and decided to see what the social media had in store for me.

I tapped the WhatsApp shortcut first.

Pushing my short brown braids out of the way, I focused on the screen praying that I had some new messages.

"Yes" I said doing a little fist bump.

There was one but unfortunately, it wasn't from my best friends Amy and Faruq.

It was from Eniola, A girl I hardly ever chatted with and I could already tell what the conversation was going to look like.

I tapped her name to read the message she had sent.

Eniola: Hi

Niyi: Hello.

She came online seconds after I had sent the message.


Eniola: How are you doing?

Niyi: Great. You?

Eniola: I'm good thanks.

And with that she went offline.

Deciding that I had nothing better to do, I decided to check the status updates.

I tapped Amy's first.

It was a tik tok video. She was trying to pull off the muffin in the freezer trend.

"Who in the hell put the muffins in the freezer!" She said playing the part of an angry older sister .

"I did, what you gonna do about it?" She said now trying to act like a a sassy younger sister .

I laughed at the way she rolled her eyes hissing loudly and in a taunting manner.

Then, Amy pretended to be an angry mother glaring at her daughter.

Someone needed to tell her that she looked terrible in that shower cap and dusty wrapper.

"Nothing, I did" She said playing the part of the younger sister.

She was smirking with a triumphant look in her dark brown eyes.

Typical Amy.

She was tik tok obsessed. There wasn't one trend that she hadn't been a part of.

She loves tik tok, just as much as I love reading books.

But her obsession paid off.

She had two hundred followers and was some kind of online celebrity.

At least she had something to keep her busy during these tough times.

The next update was a screenshot of someone's book.

I didn't recognise the app that it was on. I just observed the Orange and white background it had and the blue cover of the book.

Then I read what Amy had typed underneath the screenshot.

If you're on Wattpad, please do me a favour and read my sister's book.
She's an upcoming writer who loves to write teen fiction.
Help a friend:-)

Oh, Wattpad.

I'd heard a lot about the app.

It was this pretty cool place where you could not only read books but also publish books too.

Some people even got recognised by professional publishers and more.

I would've loved to create an account but I was too... Shy.

I had a bunch of finished stories I had written lying in my bookshelf.

I just didn't have the confidence to try.

What if the books I wrote weren't good enough?

If there was one thing I couldn't handle, it was negative feedback.

My phone made a beeping noise and I checked my notification tray.

Message from Amy.

Yay! She's online.

Amy: You viewed my status :-)

I rolled my eyes smiling at my phone.

Niyi: Obviously.

Amy: You know, I've always wandered why you're not on Wattpad.

Niyi: What do you mean?

Amy: Dont play dumb Niyi! I see the way your eyes glow when you see a good book.

That's true, but I can't be blamed can I?

Books are great. They're a means of escape from reality.

A place your mind can travel to when you're feeling down or just plain bored.

You can learn from them too.

It was a win win for the nerds and the Bad students alike.

Not everyone knew this fact though.

Niyi: Yeah.
Can I be honest with you?

Amy: Sure.

Niyi: I want to have a Wattpad account but I'm scared.

Amy: Scared of what?

Niyi: Of being judged.

She typed for a very long time before I finally saw her message.

Amy: You can use a different name so that no one knows who you are.
You also don't have to be a writer, I was just saying that it'd be cool if you tried the app out.

Niyi: But I have more than enough books here at home.

Amy: And A few more wouldn't kill you.

Niyi: I don't know...

Amy: At least give it a try. If you don't like it, then you can delete your account and uninstall the app.

That was good to know.

I hadn't really expected less from her. Amy had this way of convincing you to do the most risky things.

It was like she had mind control powers.

Niyi: Ok, I'll install the app now.

Amy: Great. Tell me when you've created your account. I'll tell my sister to follow you.

Niyi: Don't reveal my secret identity.

Amy: Ok secret agent Niyi.
I'll just tell her that you're one of my friends.

Niyi: Thanks Amy.

I went offline and scrolled through my phone until I found the play store.

"Here goes nothing" I mumbled typing Wattpad onto the search bar.

When it loaded, A bunch of prototype apps and rip offs appeared but I could identify the true Wattpad app by its unique symbol.

The white double u in an orange circle.

I took a deep breath and hit the download button.

Wattpad, here I come.

Author's note.
And that's a wrap! 😁
How do you like the story so far?
Is it relatable?

Oh and one more question...
We're you also as scared as Niyi is now When you first downloaded Wattpad?

I know I was😐
You know the drill.
Stay safe!
- Truewriter2020

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