Chapter Twenty Two

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In the evening, I moved to the dinning table to eat after making dinner.

My brother walked down the stairs ignoring me completely as he made his way into the kitchen.

I glared at my plate of jollof spaghetti as if it was to blame for all my problems.

I had been so hungry when I made this but seeing my brother just reminded me of how my life was slowly falling apart.

My brother probably hated me
My best friends had betrayed me
I was a terrible writer.
My aunt was in an isolation centre fighting for her life.

I sat down on one of the wooden chairs and pulled out my phone.

My brother settled down opposite me without saying a word.

I decided to act like it didn't bother me. At least not now. I was feeling a by too stubborn to do that.

I remained focused on my phone trying to log into Wattpad.

I looked down at the edge of the screen wondering if I had any notifications.

Beside the notification bell, there was a little red dot with the number fourth two on it.

I shoved a fork full of spaghetti into my mouth suddenly regaining my appetite.

This ought to be good.

I scanned through the announcements and ignored the book updates for now.

To say that I was disappointed at my find would be the understatement of the century.

Some user called Galaticwarriror had voted for all twelve chapters of my book "say it like you mean it"

But I was very sure that the person hadn't read my book.

I checked to see if there was even a bit of a time frame between each vote.

There was none at all.

Enough was enough. I might not be a good writer but I most definitely wasn't asking for charity.

I did not ask for the votes. Galaticwarrior didn't even read my book.

I tapped the little house button at the bottom of the screen and within seconds I was in the home page.

"How to write good books" I typed into the search bar.

I swung my legs, eating my spaghetti with one hand and scrolling with the other.

It took a lot of searching but finally I found a book that I knew would help me.

It was titled "How to write award winning stories" and the writers name was ALOEmma.

I tapped the read button eager to see if I could learn anything from it.

I ignored the stuff I already knew about like, asking for requests, being a genuine reader, developing a good plot.

I basically rushed through the book picking out the main points until I got to the ninth Chapter.

"Types of feedback" The title read .

The article was talking about negative and positive feedback and how hard it was to accept it.

"It can be pretty painful when someone criticizes your hard work. Your brain child which it probably took you hours of long thinking and creative writing to develop"

"When I first received constructive criticism, I sat in a corner and sulked about it for quite a while"

"In time, I felt better and decided to put the criticism to use"

"Criticism can be very painful at first. It gives you the same feeling you would get it someone scratched you or stepped in your toes. But it's not how the criticism looks that matters. It's what you do with it that matters"

I sighed putting some more spaghetti in my mouth. The book reminded me of the Competition I had entered and how painful the judges feedback was to me.

The truth of the matter was that I shouldn't have cried about it.

I should have worked on it.

I added the book to my library and continued reading it for a while.


After dinner, I updated my book and was delighted to see that Renarouge-reads and two other reader's seemed to be enjoying my book.

They weren't a lot and they were not racing about my book like it was The best thing in the world.

But like I had learnt from AlOEmma, I needed to be patient.

It was hard especially when books like Caving in were being gobbled down by readers all over Wattpad but I had no choice.

I replied to all their comments and looked through my Chapter once more to see if it needed any editing.

It looked fine so, I left it alone without logging out of Wattpad.

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