Chapter Fifteen

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I sighed in relief when I realized that my book has been accepted for the contest.

A lot of people had either been politely declined or asked to apply for another genre. Luckily, I wasn't one of them.

I checked my notification box to see if anyone has added my book to their library or something.

But all I found were replies to my comments, announcements and a tag from Renarouge-reads.

Wait a minute...

A tag from Rena!!!

She had tagged me in the tenth chapter of her fan fiction Marinette leaves Paris. I couldn't help but wonder why.

I tapped the notification and after a few seconds I saw the tenth chapter of her book.

I read through it, leaving meaningful comments and actually enjoying the story.

When I got to the end of the chapter I opened my eyes wide in shock.

This was a lot.

Rena had tagged me in her authors note and typed;

Thanks so much to Multimouse_3.0 for being such a kind and dedicated reader.

I'll be opening a cover shop soon so this is for you. I was thinking of a way to appreciate you and this was what I came up with.

I hope you like it.


I smiled staring at the cover. There were three brown skinned girls posing in the cover like they were about to take a selfie.

They were wearing the uniform which I had described in the book and the text was in the right place.

It looked... Wonderful.

I highlighted "I hope you like it" and left a comment .

I don't like it... I love it. Thank you so much. This is the best gift ever.

I took a screen shot of the really nice cover and after editing it for a bit, I saved it to my photos and changed my cover.

Was she really opening a graphic shop soon though?

I checked her profile to confirm if what she was saying was true.

Cool. It was.

On the cover of the graphic book was a vector of a brunette with the words "Miraculous graphic shop" written in a font I didn't recognise.

Rena was so talented. She had started writing her book Marinette leaves Paris at about the same time that I started writing "say it like you mean it"

Her book already had two thousand reads.

It has about ten chapters like mine but unlike mine people really loved it and thought it was cool.

I tried to tell myself that she could be a university graduate or a professional writer but it still hurt to know that my books weren't that interesting.

I'd added a bunch of books to my library in hopes that the authors would check mine out. Most of the books I had chosen were Nigerian because I wanted to learn some things from them.

But most of the authors hadn't even given my book a glance. They were probably too busy basking in their glory to do so anyway.

Two authors Femi_Olayinka and JadeA had actually added my book to their reading lists. I could only pray that they wouldn't abandon it after reading only two chapters.

The discouraging state of my Wattpad career made me want to quit, but it wasn't like me to just abandon things like that. I could only imagine the looks on people's faces when they discover that the book they were really looking forward to is incomplete.

Feeling jobless, I decided to check all my followers. I had a new one and I hadn't been notified about it so I was curious.

It was a weird account whose name wasn't even in English. It was in Chinese or something. It's profile pic was of an anime character with wacky black hair.

I tapped it so that I could see the profile in full.

The account had no bio. All that I could see there was;

Joined May 1st

How weird, wasn't that today?

I checked the user's message board and found tons of messages thankful for its follow.

Some of the messages were in the same weird language that it's username was in.

How could you have just joined Wattpad today and followed about two hundred people randomly? That's just weird.

My followers and I are really close. I usually reply to all the messages they leave on my board and vice versa.

How could someone be so... Queer.

I decided to just ignore it. I had heard that there were a lot of weirdos on Wattpad. From paedophiles to annoying people encouraging the blue whale challenge, sometimes it could be a real danger zone.

Luckily, I had books like Wattpad cheat codes to warn me about such.

I also had really nice followers who took it upon themselves to say important things on their message boards.

I'll be fine.

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