Chapter Thirty one

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I woke and rolled out of my bed rubbing my eyes. After saying a quick prayer I walked into my bathroom, a smile fixed on my face.

Today's gonna be a ok
Cause I'm celebrating my birthday.
Happy birthday me!
Celebrating my birthday!

After putting on a black shirt with white polka dots on blue trousers I pulled on my velvet sweater because it was a bit cold.

I pressed the door handle trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

I pulled and pulled trying to get it to give way. Nothing happened.

Scared and a bit panicky, I began to bang the door frantically.

Who on earth is the screwed up nut job that decided to lock me in on my birthday?

"Help!" I yelled ignoring my accelerated heart beat.

"Oh, you're awake" A familiar voice said before unlocking the door.

"Faruq?" I asked as the door opened up.

Faruq walked in looking breath taking as usual. He was wearing a green T-shirt under a grey hoodie with back jeans and a good chain on his neck.

"Hey Niyi" He said closing the door behind him "You look stunning, as usual"

"Am I dreaming?" I asked my eyes wide in shock

"Oh, so you dream about me" He smirked moving closer to me.

My heart was pounding in my ears, my skin feeling warm as he closed the pace between us.

I was convinced that this was a dream so I didn't move back, instead I just started at his handsome face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked .

"Came to visit" He said " Your house was being repainted so I came upstairs.

I rolled my eyes. Dream Faruq was such a bad liar

"You don't usually tell such terrible lies in my dreams Faruq" I smiled glad to be having such a dream on my birthday.

"But this isn't a dream Niyi" He moved even closer "It's real. You're the girl that I've liked all this time. I was just too much of a coward to tell you"

"I like you too" Was all I could manage because I was lost in his glowing brown eyes.

"Yes, I know" He ran a had through his curly hair " Amy told me yesterday "

Trust Amy to do things like this even in my dreams. Maybe I had too much to eat yesterday.

"Yup" I said shaking my head "This is definitely a dream"

He sighed before doing something doing something totally unexpected.

He kissed me on the lips.

He tasted like mint ice cream, the feel of his lips on mine made me tingle all over and as weird as it felt I had to admit I liked the feeling.

I just couldn't think straight at that point. Him kissing me was all that was on my mind right now as he slipped his hands around my waist.

When he pulled away and the temperature dropped, I was sure that I wasn't dreaming.

"Happy birthday day Niyi!" He smiled before pecking me on the cheek.

I blushed feeling quite embarrassed. A lot of the things I had said before the kiss were very stupid, but Faruq didn't seem to care.

"You're not seeing Chinyere anymore?" I asked raising an eyebrow .

"We broke up A few weeks ago" He shrugged "She said she was into someone else"

I sighed "Sorry about that"

"You have nothing to be sorry for" He said touching my face "I should've broken up with her a long time ago. I've had feelings for you for a while now"

I hugged him smiling in bliss.

I kissed Faruq!
He likes me.
He wants  to be with me.
I'll remember this birthday till I'm old and grey.

Someone barged into the room, wearing a mint dress and white shoes. It was Amy and she looked stunning with her brown box braids.

"If you're done making out in here, there's something that Niyi needs to see downstairs"

"Amy " I squealed rushing over to hug her. She hugged me back.

"Happy birthday Niyi" She smiled "I guess you're not mad at me for telling him"

I shook my head pulling away "But I still don't get what's going on"

"You know that important thing Faruq and I were chatting about?" She smirked .

I nodded enthusiastically like a lap dog.

"Then let's go" She giggled.

We rushed down the stairs like a bunch of little kids who had seen an ice cream truck!

Faruq and Amy over took me and I reached the last step seconds after Amy did.

I was blown away by what I saw next.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled when I got down the stairs .

It was wonderful.

The living room was decorated with balloons and streamers of different vibrant colours. It was so bright and beautiful

There was a huge chocolate cake on the centre table with my name on it. Beside the cake were cookies, chips, chicken wings and even a few pizza boxes.

And best of all, my favourite games twister, monopoly, ludo and whot lay on the sofa ready to play.

"This is... Awesome" I gushed beaming at Tayo, my mum and dad " Thank you so much! "

"It was nothing" Tayo smiled taking the credit .

I laughed when I saw Amy and Faruq glaring at him.

"What?" He asked " I helped this time"

"If you say anything again" Amy said waving her fist.

I had the best family and friends that a fifteen year old girl could ask for.

Right now, I feel like the luckiest person in the universe.

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