Chapter Seven

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I had a free period because my civic teacher's phone had died so I decided to use my time check Nina's book.

I had been listening to Mariah Carey's fly like a bird before I logged into Wattpad.

I had to admit, that woman was the definition of talent.

I paused the song before I logged into my Wattpad account.

In my notification box, I had a few announcements and A few followers.

I hastily followed back the users who had followed me before diving into Nina's book, Go with the flow.

Reading Nina's book was a bitter sweet experience. The story line was really interesting and there weren't too many errors.

But she had dedicated readers while I didn't have any.

I but my lip pausing in the middle of the fourth chapter.

I seriously didn't know where exactly to comment. I didn't want to make a joke out of myself by leaving a senseless one but Nina was awaiting my comments.

Then I remembered what she had typed yesterday.

"But the main reason is because on Wattpad, I'm free to be myself... And even if I do get judged, I don't take it personally because it's not like anyone here knows me in real life."

I took in a deep breath before highlighting a text.

"That's a terrible idea" Mona said through tears "You can't just accept it Dylan, you have to fight"

I pressed the little oranges speech bubble and typed in my comment.

Niyi: Well, I think it's a great idea.
He needs a home, Mona.
Standing up to his dad right now might not be a good idea.

I pressed the little paper plane button and my comment was made public.

That actually wasn't so bad.

I kept on reading stopping at a few points to leave comments.

"Cool!" I shrieked bouncing on the armchair .

A user called "Anime_lover234" had replied to my comment about thirty minutes ago.

"Well said" The comment read. I grinned and tapped her profile picture so that I could find out more about her.

She was another Wattpad star. She had about five thousand followers and ten published books, two of which were paid stories.

I decided to see what her bio has to say.


My pen name is Maria McCarty. I'm an English student in my final year of university.

I love writing stories and I would be really happy if you give mine a try.

Updating schedules.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Stay fresh.

Joined 2014

I checked out her message board and observed the usual cluster of praise, announcements reading requests...

Speaking of reading requests, I just had an idea. Why don't I just ask her politely on her message board.

The worse that can happen is that she ignores it because she's so busy and all but at least I won't get into any trouble.

I could also ask Nina to read my book too.

My book has no reads (apart from my own) and I would really like someone to check it out.

I typed a short message on her board.

I was wondering if you would like to give my book say it like you mean it a try.
It would be really cool if you did.
It's about these girls who stand for their rights and don't let boys distract or entice them.

I left a bunch of hearts underneath my message then posted I publicly on her board.

Fingers crossed, she'll accept my request and give my book a try.

I also sent a private message to Nina but she didn't respond immediately.

She was probably offline.

Knowing that she would probably see it later I decided to wait.

I tapped on go with the flow, Nina's book and decided to keep reading it.

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