Chapter Twenty nine

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I was trying to log into Wattpad one morning but was having problems.

It kept telling me to check my data connection and after trying again and again to log in, I realised why my efforts were so futile.

I was out of data.

I groaned disrupting the usual quiet state of my house but I was just so annoyed.

My dad wasn't going to let me but anymore data till my birthday.

At least the wait wouldn't be long. The twenty seventh of July was in a few days now.

I got off my bed and walked down stairs, already dressed in a yellow T-shirt and shorts.

On getting to the living room, I saw Tayo on the sofa using his laptop. He seemed to be engrossed in whatever it was that he was doing.

I looked up still thinking about mum. She was probably in her room sleeping. It was what she did these days if she wasn't crying.

She was definitely depressed.

And I had had enough. I was going to fix her even if it KILLED me.

I settled down on the sofa beside my brother and he looked up from his computer.

"We have to help mum" I frowned "She can't keep sulking forever"

" Do you have any suggestions? " He asked raising an eyebrow.

I tried to think of something spectacular. Something my mum would love so much that she would begin to feel better.

Something that would remind her that we were here for her.

"I've got it" I jumped snapping my fingers "Mum's signature chocolate chip cookies"

She would be so happy if I made those. My mother loved baking but she rarely ever did it anymore because she was so busy. She was going to love this.

Tayo shook his head "You've never baked it without her. You won't be able to pull it off"

"With your help I will" I said pouting at him.

He rolled his eyes "Fine, but cookies won't be enough, we'll need something else..."

" video games? " I asked.

As weird as it might seem, my mum loved video games. It was another hobby that she had given up when she had gotten busier.

She used to play with Dad, Tayo and I winning effortlessly.

"That's perfect, but I'll need to set it up" He said tapping his chin.

"I think the console is in dad's old study" I said pointing to the passage that leads away from the dinning room .

"I'll start looking for it, you see if we have all the ingredients we'll need"

I nodded and hurried into the kitchen.

The kitchen was quite big. Really close to the entrance was a rack for hanging utensils and beside the wall was the stove.

At the other side of the kitchen were the freezer and fridge. The wall facing the entrance had a tap fixed on it.

I looked around and finally found the cook book I was looking for in a cupboard.

It was a little dusty but in good condition, I flipped through it until I found the sixtieth page.

I nodded, smiling in glee at the recipe.

Delightful Gooey chocolate chip cookies.

The perfect name for the perfect treat.

I walked around the kitchen opening a few cabinets which were attached to the wall and pulling what I would need out.

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