Chapter Nine

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I was in my room, as usual sitting my back in my armchair and using my phone.

A few days have passed since I first published my book on Wattpad.

Right now, I was publishing the sixth chapter of my book and it still didn't have a lot of reads.

Nina was still leaving comments and voting for every chapter but Emilia was no longer reading my book.

She was probably just trying to be nice.

I sighed tapping my chin, thinking about what on earth I could do to help my book.

Call me impatient if you want, I've been writing for years and now that I have the confidence to share my stories with other people, I really want to succeed.

Wattpad was filled with all sorts of books. Mystery, thriller, romance non-fiction...

What if there was a book that could help me? A book that could give me some ideas on what to do.

I typed "How to become famous in Wattpad" then go the button that looked like a magnifying glass.

After a few seconds more than a hundred results showed up, some of them not even relating to what I was looking for.

I tapped on the first book that I found called Wattpad cheat codes because it looked like a reputable book. It had a lot of votes and about a hundred thousand reads.

I checked out the blurb underneath the book.

Are you looking for ways to make your books more popular?

Are you tired of being a Wattpad nobody hoping and waiting for a chance to shine?

Well, you've come to the right place.

I nodded approvingly before reading on.

Here in this book, you can find the basic cheat codes that every writer needs to become popular and famous.

Note; This book was not written with the intention to insult any race, nationality and ideology. Contains a lot of humour, do not take any of it personally.

I squinted my eyes wandering exactly how much humour the book contained.

I pressed the read button and the authors note appeared.

It was just an extension of the warnings on the blurb so I decided to skip it and move to the first chapter.


Presently, I was in the tenth chapter of the book.

I had laughed till my stomach began to hurt while reading a few chapters.

The writer, Runningsounds had compared writing to preparing a bowl of chicken soup.

But that wasn't the funniest part.

The funniest part of the book was this conversation that he used to illustrate desperation in writing.

AccountA has a backup account called accountB. This isn't a problem at all. It's good to have a backup account in case the main one gets deleted.

Using one account to vote for a book on the other is a problem. I'll use this conversation to illustrate how silly this is.

"You're so irrational Demi" Sammie said laughing at her "When will you ever learn?"

Account B: Your plot is so original. I love how funny Demi is.

Account A: Thank you so much. I think your writing is great too.

Account B: You're the best Account A. You're totally going to become a great writer some day.

Account A: No you're the best.

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