Chapter Seventeen

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I logged into Wattpad for what seemed like the fifth time today.

I had a few announcements so I decided to check them first.
It had been posted around ten in the morning and now it was one o'clock.

It read;

Goodbye everyone.

I've always known that life was a lot of things. Twisted, unfair and downright cruel.

But no one told me that it was like a mini hell.

I feel like I've suffered for long enough and I would love to be anywhere but here.

I've been in pain for so long now and there's only one way I can make it go away...

Bye forever...

When I was done reading the announcement s my eyes were wide in shock.

A few people had replied to her message telling her not to do it and that she was a wonderful person.

But she hasn't replied to any of them.

Aisleofthelost was a really shy user who had followed me a few days ago.

We were always talking about comics in my private chat and she had seemed like a really happy person.

If only I had known.

I quickly composed a message to her hoping that I wasn't too late.


I read what you read in your message board and I think it's really annoying that someone as special as you is going through that much.

You're a really interesting person who deserves to live a better life.

You might not be feeling happy now but there will be better times.

I've noticed that you write too and you have time of readers, they would be heart broken if you killed yourself.

Even if you don't think you can handle anymore of this life please think about those who love and care for you.

Keep shining Wattpad star.

I believe in you.

And remember, Jesus loves you.

I sent the message hoping that it would be enough to save her life.

Then I prayed for her, telling God to remind her of the joy and importance of living.

When I felt like I could read no more, I walked into the living room to meet my brother using his phone.

He seemed to be really engrossed in what he was doing because he didn't even look at me when I sat down beside him on the long sofa.

I crossed my legs and stated up at the ceiling hoping to get lost in my thoughts.

I handy been in that position when my brothers phone began to ring.

His ringtone was spectre by Allan Walker.

Deep in the dark I don't need the light.
There's a ghost inside me,
We all belong to the other side
We live, we love ,we learn.

I nodded my head to the beat stopping when he picked the phone.

It was a video call from aunt Aviva.

"Hey guys" She said with a grin "How are you doing?"

I moved closer to Tayo so that I could see the phone. Aunt Aviva looked really pretty. Just like my mother she was light skinned and has pink lips.

But she had died her hair yellow and cut it.

"We are fine ma" Tayo and I responded.

"Tayo" She said with a smirk

"Yes ma"

"I hope you're not disturbing your sister at home"

I heard Tayo grumble and I giggled.

Aunt Aviva sure could lift your spirits.

"I'm serious" She said waving a finger at him "I hope you've been on your best behaviour"

"I don't know why you're asking" He smiled "But yes ma, I've been on my best behaviour"

"Don't play smart with me boy" She eyed him "We all know how troublesome you are"

I laughed out loud at her statement while Tayo just poured at the phone screen.

"And I hope you've been concentrating on your work Niyi!" She turned to me " Don't forget that your brother has already written his exams"

Tayo stuck his tongue out at me and I have him a little punch.

"Yes ma" I smiled "I've been studying"

"And your parents?" She asked " How are they? "

"They're fine ma" Tayo and I said.

"That's nice make sure you greet them for me, just wanted to check in.

" Bye Aunt Aviva " I said waving at the camera. She waved back before cutting the call.


I logged back into Wattpad after eating dinner and doing the dishes to check if I had any messages and I did.

Fortunately for me, they were from Aisleofthelost.

Aisleofthelost: Hey there.

Aisleofthelost: I don't know why you said all the things about me but if you really meant them...

Aisleofthelost: Thanks. It means a lot.

Aisleofthelost: Maybe life is worth living after all.

I smiled before signing in relief. I'm pretty sure that my message wasn't the only thing that stopped her but it's nice to know I had helped.

A successful suicide attempt would probably have sent her to hell.

Authors note.
Life isn't always fair. Everyone knows that.
But it doesn't give you the right to take your own life.
Jesus loves you and will always be there for you no matter what. Always remember that.

- Truewriter2020.

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