Chapter Thirteen

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Days had passed since I had added all those books to my library.

They were good but reading all these books was beginning to clash with my academic schedule.

I had almost forgotten to submit my Physics assignment this morning. Luckily, Faruq had reminded me.

Reading a ton of books had its perks though. I left a lot of comments and votes on books  and kept up with updates so I made new friends on Wattpad.

I had had this conversation with Angelina_Stephen yesterday.

Angelina_Stephen: What's an almanac?

Multimouse_3.0: It's an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information.

Multimouse_3.0: Why are you asking?

Angelina_Stephen: I came across the term in a book and was too lazy to leave Wattpad.

Multimouse_3.0: I know that feeling. It's one of the reasons why I don't like reading historical fiction.

Angelina_Stephen: Me  neither, but we do learn from it though.

Multimouse_3.0: Yeah.
Have you read the sugar men by Ray Kingfisher.

Angelina_Stephen: Oh my gosh.
I love that book.

Multimouse_3.0: But the ending is so sad.

Angelina_Stephen: I know.
But at least it's satisfying.

Multimouse_3.0: Yeah:-(

And I had this conversation with Renarouge-reads in my comment section.

"Loser!" Kemi snickered eyeing Beatrice " So much for misses before misters.

Renarouge-reads: Kemi is such an *itch

Multimouse_3.0: Language Miss Rena.

Renarouge-reads : Sorry, I'm just so mad at Kemi. She reminds me if Lila from Ladybug.

Multimouse_3.0: I know right.
Couldn't stop telling lies for anyone.

Renarouge-reads: Yeah.
I wish I could give Kemi a slap right now.
She just goes around ruining lives.

Multimouse_3.0: I wish you could too.

Renarouge-reads: We're you bullied as a kid?

Multimouse_3.0: No.

Renarouge-reads: Then who is your inspiration for Kemi.

Multimouse_3.0: No one.
I read a lot of books and I know how bullies behave. A few used to mess around with my Friends some time ago.

Renarouge-reads: I think your description is really cool.

Multimouse_3.0: Thank you.

Like I said, Keeping up with new updates more reading requests and A lot more is a bit tricky.

But I think I can handle it.

And now it's time to try tactic two.

Joining a Competition.

Hopefully, it won't backfire like tactic one. The last thing I need are more books to read.

I can't believe I just... Never mind.

I typed in contests on the search bar and got the usual mix of jumbled up results.

After scrolling up for a bit I found a few contests that were still open.

I decided to try a Competition called the Crystal awards. Apparently, the only two genres that my book would fit in, the Chick lit and teen fiction genre were full.

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