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August 27th. My birthday and also a week till school. My dad had organised a huge party that would start at 5 pm and end whenever and let me invite my friends, i invited Crabbe, Goyle, Millicent, a few other girls from school and of course Draco. They were all allowed to bring their family. My family and family friends where also invited, in total i think about 100 people ended up getting invited. My mother took me shopping earlier on to find a dress for herself and me, it was 3 in the afternoon so i decided to take a long bath. I got out the bath and wrapped a towel around me before walking in my room and drying my hair and putting it into two space puns with a french plait leading up to it, I also put light blue glitter along my parting. By the time i had finished my hair it was 5 minutes till 5, i already heard music and loud talking downstairs so i put on my blue poofy dress and stood in the mirror i look like a princess i though to myself. My thoughts were cut short because my mother came into my room to tell me everyone had arrived then went downstairs and turned the music down and telling everyone that i was coming down now. I slipped on some white heels and walked to the top of the stairs.

 I slipped on some white heels and walked to the top of the stairs

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Peoples attention soon came to me as they heard my heels tapping along as i walked down the stairs, i looked around for my friends and saw them sitting in one corner of the room

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Peoples attention soon came to me as they heard my heels tapping along as i walked down the stairs, i looked around for my friends and saw them sitting in one corner of the room. After saying hello and thank you to literally everyone i walked over to the people i had invited and sat with them.

"Happy birthday y/n" they all said to me in unison and i smiled. Everyone gave me a gift and i opened them all before thanking them. They were all unique and special. Draco hadnt given mine yet but i didnt mind.

"Y/n come here" my mother yelled and i walked to her, she told me that i had to choose someone to dance with as on everyones birthday there is atleast one slow dance that is lead by the person whos birthday it is. My eyes immediately locked with dracos and after a second i held out my hand as he walked forwards and grabbed it. My parents turned on a slow song, draco put one hand on my waist and i put one hand on his shoulder, our other hands interlocked fingers and we started dancing, there where many "awhs" being spread through the room before other people joined in. I hated dancing so i grabbed dracos hand and escaped into the garden, i layed on the grass in the middle of my flower garden and Draco layed beside me.

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