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We decided that today would be the last ever DA meeting as we all knew what we had to learn. The meeting was going well until a hole was made into the door and Dolores Umbridge looked through it, i stood at the front and opened the door. We all made our way out as one person from her weak group dragged us to her office, i got stuck with draco who was holding my wrist. When we got in i was pushed to the front along with harry. They had a little conversation about who knows what because i paid no attention until umbridge had to leave for a meeting telling us not to leave her office. I came up with a plan but as i started to walk towards her desk draco grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back.

"listen if you support a teacher who physically harms her students as a punishment then so be it but just look at how stupid you will be" I eyed draco

"what do you mean, no she doesnt" he mumbled, i took my jacket off and showed everyone how many scars of words that had been carved into my arm i had

"now anyone else with these marks please step forward" i said and everyone except the slytherins stepped forward. "so let me just do this one fucking thing" he nodded and i pushed the desk towards her wall of shitty cat plates, one by one i threw them out the window and heard them smash as they hit the floor. I also put a spell on her stupid quills and made them dissapear then walked out the office like nothing with the DA following

"well done y/n and harry" ron whispered to us and we both nodded thank you. I made my way to my common room to sleep the rest of the day away


It was now the first day of summer, the first summer in a long time that i have to spend alone. Mother and Father arranged a meeting for me to finally get the dark mark and become a death eater, i didnt really get a say in it considering i was chosen when i was young. I got out of bed dreading the day ahead i took a quick shower then changed into a Black dress my mum had picked out and put my hair into two french braids before putting on black heels and heading downstairs.

 I got out of bed dreading the day ahead i took a quick shower then changed into a Black dress my mum had picked out and put my hair into two french braids before putting on black heels and heading downstairs

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We apparated into diagon alley and headed to borgin and burkes, walking in through the back. I was greated by dracos parents, bellatrix, voldemort and a few other death eaters. You could tell that narcissa didnt exactly want to be there but didnt say anything. My father pushed me forward towards lestrange who lifted my sleeve up and put her wand to my arm, whispering a spell then dipping my arm into the cauldron. It stung a little but not enough to make me feel worse than i already do, the lines started forming. I officially have no one to turn to, not the trio, not the twins, not draco. I pulled my sleeve down and did some shopping ready for school then headed home. I sat in my room and stared at the wall for hours, i didnt know what to do or what to expect as a follower of the dark lord but it cant be good. I decided to change into a random hoodie and some shorts but as i put the hoodie on i got a smell of the expensive perfume draco always wore. I looked at my mirror and saw that it was infact one of his. I didnt bother changing, i just cried and eventually fell asleep.

(sorry for the short chapter)

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