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(so people dont get confused, its now their 3rd year at Hogwarts, Draco and y/n are both 15)

Before i knew it we where back on the train to Hogwarts, in a few days me and draco have officially been together for a year. We are the strongest weve been before, in the year of dating we had never done it, i wasn't ready but now i think i am. This will be the year i loose my virginity. I got on the train and found the compartment her friends where in, draco wasnt there yet so i just sat on my phone and waited. 5 minutes later and the blonde boy found the compartment, he changed a lot over summer; hes taller, he got more muscular and his hair was no longer slicked back, it fell in curtains. It suited him. I jumped up when i saw him and he pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

"i cant believe you didnt come see me over summer" i pouted

"im sorry babygirl, i was on holiday with my parents. Did you get your birthday present in the mail" he asked and i nodded holding out my wrist, he gave me a bracelet with an emerald gem in the middle. His note said it reminded him of my eyes. We finally sat down as the train starts, i rested my legs over his and he smiles.

"so you two, its your one year soon what are you going to do to celebrate" Milli asked, i winked at her and she giggled a little.

"i have something planned" i smirked a little, everyone else clearly knew what i was on about but draco was a little bit clueless. I went on my phone, i saw a flash in the corner of my eyes. I glared at draco, he showed me the photo and changed it to his lock screen. I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes, falling asleep. I was woken up by milli pulling me off the chair and everyone laughed as i fell on the floor. We were back at hogwarts, my home and my happines. I got off the train and headed over to the boats, i shared a boat with Draco, millicent, Crabbe and Goyle. As we were drifting across the lake i felt a hand creep around my waist pulling me closer, I smiled, his cold rings brushed against my skin giving me butterflies. Millicent raised her eyebrow at me and i rolled my eyes at her. I think us girls have a superpower or something, whenever my girl friends are with me they can always tell what im feeling, its scary but at the same time kinda cool. We got off the boats at the castle, sun was already setting. I admired the view of the sun sets reflection on the water. Two people grabbed each one of my arms, dragging me in the castle with them. My best friend and my boyfriend, they got along well, there relationship kind of reminds me of a bond between siblings. they dragged me all the way to the great hall laughing while i just shook my head. Eyes were suddenly all on us as we entered the great hall, Draco got hotter over the summer so i get why the girls are staring at him and Milli is one of the prettiest people i know so i understood the boys stares. I walked over to the table and sat down, turns out eyes were on me not either of them. Not a lot had changed over the summer for me, i say that but in reality; i died my hair baby blue, i got a bigger arse and boobs, my face slimmed out a lot and i got many ear piercings. When i realised i had the attention of literally everyone, i was happy. Summer was lonely, mother and father were away so i didnt get attention from them, Draco was on holiday so he couldnt talk much. Millicent was the only one i talked to but our conversations always ended about boys. I guess my personality changed a little over the summer, i was still a bitch but i respected harry. Me and harry would sometimes call to make sure eachother was okay. Harry smiled at me so i smiled back, his friends were a little confused and so where mine.

"why the hell are you smiling at potter" Blaise asked

"i havent got time to be a bitch to everyone, i still dispise weasley and granger but harrys alright" i couldnt tell them about me and harry being siblings just yet, i hated keeping secrets from my friends but it keeps me safe. Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall to give his greeting speech before sorting the first years, We didnt have to attend this but me and draco loved making fun of people who got put into other houses. After everyone got sorted i headed to my room, i hung a few painting of me and my friends before flopping onto my bed. I had a huge headache from everyone shouting as people got sorted so i grabbed some medicine before changing out my clothes from earlier. I changed into a blue skin tight dress that matched my hair and white trainers, there was no reason to be dressed up as such but your girl wants to show of her new and improved body.

 I changed into a blue skin tight dress that matched my hair and white trainers, there was no reason to be dressed up as such but your girl wants to show of her new and improved body

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I walked down to the common room and locked eyes with draco before he looked me up and down. Millicent looked at me and smiled while blaise, Crabbe and Goyle all just looked at me with their mouths open. I flipped my hair to the side a little and smiled and giggled, Blaise Crabbe And Goyles gazes go elsewhere as they realise i notice them staring but dracos eyes where glued on me. I forgot that he hasnt seen my properly for 3 months, i sent him videos and photos of me catching him up with my life and telling him i missed him but never photos and videos of me in dresses or just underwear like i did the night of the dance. He got up and walked over to me while biting his bottom lip, i blushed a little as his eyes where still on me. He kissed me passionately and that was it, nothing else happened. Just a kiss.

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