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Today was the day of the Quidditch world cup, i woke up and woke up draco. He went into his room and changed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth. I dried off with a spell then changed into a black skin tight dress.

I then curled my hair into loose curls and waited for draco to come back

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I then curled my hair into loose curls and waited for draco to come back. Just on cue he walked into my room and stood in my mirror.

"Do you think this is to much for a quidditch world cup" he was wearing a full black suit, i came up beside him and smiled.

"for being in the ministers box? nope and we look perfect" i went to put on my Heeled boots and grab my bag. I put everything i needed away and held dracos hand. We apparated over to where we were meeting lucius, he greeted us both with a nod and started walking to the box. Me and draco followed close behind.

"put it this way, if it rains youll be the first to know" mr malfoy said to someone, i looked in the direction of where he was speaking and saw the trio with the weasly family.

"y/n, father and i are in the ministers box" Draco bragged and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"dont boast draco" Lucius smirked a little "theres no need with the weasleys" The trio and the weasleys walked away except fred, he lingered for a little while looking at me and then walks off. Me and draco headed to the box and left lucius to do what he wanted. The irish flew in and i heard a few people cheer, then the Bulgarians flew in and there was a huge cheer from me included. The game went on and in the end the Irish won, it didnt matter though they both did great.

"you two apparate back to hogwarts right now okay" lucius says in a calm but firm voice. Me and Draco look at eachother worried but does as he says, apparating right into my room. I wanted to know what was going to happen and my guess is something bad. I didnt stress it much because its not exactly my issue but i was still worried. I didnt bother getting changed i just went to the common room and sat on the sofa

"so how was the world cup" Blaise asked

"awful, we lost to the irish" i sighed. Draco came walking out of my room looking stressed "dont worry about whats happening handsome itll be fine"

"meet me at the astronomy tower in five, i need to talk to you but not here" he whispered and kissed my cheek before rushing out. I sighed and got up to walk over to the astronomy tower, i hated seeing him all stressed out. I got up to the top and he was leaning against the wall.

"whats up babe?" i said while walking over to him

"we had to leave because death eaters took over the place, hes back" he wrapped his arms around me tight

"i knew he would be back soon, but we will find a way not to join them" i felt him nod and bury his face into my neck, i buried my head into his chest, we just hugged in silence for a long time. I pulled out of the hug and looked over at hagrids hut, buckbeak was roaming around so someone must have saved him. I grabbed dracos hand and dragged him down over to the hut.

"why are we over here" Draco sighed

"because your coming flying with me" i replied and went to tell hagrid that ill be taking buckbeak out flying and he agreed. I walked back over to draco and dragged him to buckbeak. The hippogriff saw me and ran over. I reassured draco that it was safe and after a while buckbeak bent down, Draco got on and i got on behind him and wrapped my arms around him. Buckbeak took off and started flying, at first the blonde boy i was holding on to was scared but after a while he let go and was fine. We flew around for an hour before landing back at hagrids, i hopped out and stroked its feathers. The hippogriff looked at draco and waited for him to pet the bird. You could tell he was scared but draco lifted his hand and stroked buckbeak, buckbeak warmed up to draco and wrapped its wings around us two. We smiled and petted the hippogriff goodbye and headed back to the common room. We where both smiling from ear to ear as we sat on the sofa.

"you two look rather happy" Goyle spoke up

"maybe because we flew the extremely scary bird that definitely almost killed draco" i laughed and draco rolled his eyes, he knows it can be scary but he wanted to act all big in front of his friends and enemies "anyway i should really go and study, second day back and apparantly i have a test" i sighed and walked up to my room, as much as i may not show it i really do care about my grades. It was a potions exam, everyone in my group was really good at potions but me? i was awful. I only know how to make a few but not what they do. Before i started studying i changed into a nike tracksuit.

I got out all my books and notes and started going through them but before i could get into revising malfoy walked in and sat on the end of my bed

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I got out all my books and notes and started going through them but before i could get into revising malfoy walked in and sat on the end of my bed.

"im helping you" he exclaimed while looking at me "but lets make it interesting, everytime you get an answer wrong you have to take an item of clothing off but if you get it right then i have to" i rolled my eyes and laughed

"deal" i raised my eyebrow at him and smirked

"okay so what is Felix Felicis better known as"

"liquid luck" i looked at him and he took his shirt off

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