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We walked back to everyone else in the common room while holding hands. Everyone was sat in little groups discussing what they did over the summer, we sat with crabbe and goyle but we didnt talk about me and draco finally being together.

"Your actually together" Goyle yelled which got the attention of everyone, i went bright red and burried my head in my hands, we wasnt going to tell anyone yet just incase it didnt work out.

"you git, we wasnt going to tell anyone yet" draco shouted at Goyle before turning to everyone, they were all staring so i pulled y/n beside me and held her hand "yes were together but that means were going to be ten times worse because any argument shes in, im also involved." i smiled and just like that we were official, to the slytherins atleast.

"if i hear one person talk about this to anyone who isnt here right now, i wont hesitate to hex you" i told everyone and they all nodded before heading down to have dinner, we walked in the great hall and sat at our table, draco put his hand on my thigh as we sat through another one of dumbledors speeches. As soon as the headmaster stopped speaking food appeared on our table, i ate very little knowing that i was planning to sneak into the kitchen later anyway. Once we were done with our food we all went up to our common rooms, i grabbed a drink from the fridge while draco saved me a seat on the sofa. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and me where all on one sofa. Blaise, Millicent and Pansy where sat opposite us. I rested my legs over Dracos thigh and went on my phone, they were having a conversation but i wast listening to a word they said. Draco put his hand on one of my thighs and rubbed it a little, i smiled and looked up at him, he kissed me and without caring that there was others in the room he pulled me onto his lap and we made out. My arms were around his neck and his arms where draped around my waist with his hand on my arse.

"get a room" Millicent said as she looked at us and winked.

"happily" Draco replied and ran up to my room carrying me, he didnt care if people saw. He pinned me against the door and kissed me rough, he then kissed my jaw and neck leaving dark hickies. i pulled his jacket off him and kissed him, he started walking us over to the bed but doesnt break the kiss. I felt the back of my legs hit the bed so i pull away from this kiss and pulled my top off before pulling dracos off. He the pinned me to the bed and i wrapped my arms around his neck, he kissed down my neck and chest leaving more hickies before kissing down my stomach. He brought his face back to mine and kissed me with more passion than before, i flipped us over and straddled dracos lap still not breaking the kiss. Suddenly we heard the door open and crabbe walked in

"Ew you could have atleast locked the door" he yelled, great the moment is ruined "were going to sneak into the kitchen, be down in 5 minutes or we will leave without you" he said as he closed the door behind him. I got up and put my top back on before throwing draco his hoodie. I was about to walk out the door before i felt a hand wrap around my neck gently from behind me.

"we will continue this whenever we can okay princess" he whispered into my ear and nodded, he removed his hand from my neck and wrapped it around my waist instead. We walked down to the common room and saw four giggling people and one embarrassed boy. I glared at them all knowing that the four people where Millicent, goyle, pansy and blaise and the embarrassed one was Crabbe. The group noticed we were there and looked at us and saw us glaring at them.

"Did we ruin your fun" Millicent laughed and i rolled my eyes, Millicent noticed my neck and her eyes widened "oh Merlin, we actually did. We all thought you were just making out" everyone else looked at my neck and their eyes also widened

"yeah, thanks guys" i smiled sarcastically before walking out the common room and heading towards the kitchen, the rest of the group felt bad for not letting them have their moment. Everyone except pansy, even blaise felt bad. We managed to get into the kitchen and i ran straight over to the cookies, i grabbed one and ate some before draco ran over and took a bite out of it

"my cookiee" i whined and pouted. he kissed me and i tried not to smile but i couldnt help it. I laughed a little and sat on the kitchen counter, he came and stood between my legs as i wrapped my arms around his neck and finishing the cookie. He grabbed a green apple from the fruit pot and ate it, i dont understand how he likes green apples over red ones, green ones just tasted sour. We heard footsteps coming toward the kitchen, draco moved away from me and gave me his hoodie to cover up all the marks. I put it on and everyone but me and draco hid, in walked the golden trio. Me and draco rolled our eyes and walked over to them

"and what are you three doing here" Draco asked

"the same thing as you, stealing food" Ron responded

"oh but what if we wasnt just stealing food though" i smirked a little and draco nudged me, i knew he didnt want anyone to know we were dating but it was funny to see their faces fill with fear that if they walked in a few seconds earlier they could have walked into something.

"wheres your proof" hermione asked, clearly jealous that i was with the boy every girl wanted to be with. I pull off the hoodie revealing all the hickies over her neck and chest. I saw Hermione tense up which proves my point about being jealous.

"Theres your proof now if you dont mind were going to get back to what we were doing" i told them

"so i suggest leaving before i tell my father that your being nosy" Draco added and the trio left, he kissed me quick "well thats one way to get rid of them"

"yeah, and guys you can come out now" I said and gave draco his hoodie back, the group all headed back to the common room. We all went to our rooms excepts for draco who slept in my room.

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