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Its now the 5th of november, wednesday, i slowly made my way out of bed and had a quick shower. Ive managed to avoid the trio quite well, Draco and i are making good progress on the vanishing cupboard. We also have another meeting with the dark lord at the weekend which im dreading but on the upside im staying at hogwarts with Draco, Pansy and Blaise for christmas. I made my way back into my room and dried off before changing into a long sleeved striped top, a black skirt and some fishnets.

 I made my way back into my room and dried off before changing into a long sleeved striped top, a black skirt and some fishnets

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I only brushed my hair and left it down before slipping on my black combat boots. Everyone was already in the hall eating and talking so i quickly rushed inside and sat beside draco. I kissed him quickly before eating some food, they were talking about another hogsmeade trip this weekend amd i think draco forgot we couldnt go

"yeah, would love to come but we cant" I nudge draco who seemed to suddenly remember what was going on at the weekend

"oh shit yeah, we can go the weekend after or one day during the week" Draco tried to persuade the others

"we can go during the week then but you better not be ditching us to shag all weekend" Blaise laughed at himself

"very funny but no its more important than that" i glared at blaise

"we might sneak a quick one in at night when everyones asleep though" i overheard draco whisper to blaise. I smacked his arm hard causing him to look at me and rub his arm pouting

"you two are being awfully loud for whispering, i think everyone could hear you" Draco and Blaise both shrug at my comment and pansy winked at me which made me laugh. I finished eating and got up with pansy to head to lesson

"where do you think your going, and you pansy" Draco grabbed my hand and didnt let me go

"lesson, where else would i go dumbass" Pansy replied while grabbing my other arm

"no your waiting for us" Draco pulled me to him which made pansy pull me back to her. They where now, quite literally, playing tug of war with me. Blaise found it hilarious and started filming us, Dracos grip was slowly getting weaker making it easy for pansy to pull me to her. We ran out the hall laughing our heads off and made our way to herbology


It was now finally the last lesson of the day, me and pansy where walking to potions when i suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and a gentle kiss on my neck.

"Hello Draco" I interlocked my fingers with his and pulled him next to me.

"Youve been ignoring me all day" he pouted which made me giggle

"no i havent, i just spent the day with pansy. Girl talks you know" I told him and Pansy laughed, i wasnt lying though, we literally spent the day talking about boys and the problems weve come across as girls

"Well your sitting with me in potions" he dragged me to the classroom and walked in. As the professor started introducing the class, in walked harry and ron.

"Ah! Harry my boy. I was beginning to worry" Professor slughorn turned to the two "bought someone with us i see" Ron then introduced himself and grabbed books from the shelfs before joining us at the cauldrons

"Now as i was saying, i prepared some concoctions this morning, any ideas of what they might be" He asked the class

"That one there-" Hermione started

"its veritaserum sir, a truth telling serum" I cut her off "that ones amortentia the most powerful love potion in the world but weve already learned about it"

"well entertain us, what does yours smell of" Slughorn asked

"i mean the same it does everytime we learn it. Mint, Expensive perfume and Green apples" as i said that i saw dracos infamous smirk grow on his face

"And who may that smell remind you of" The teacher asked again

"Me sir, its me" Draco replied with confidence earning a few giggles from the students who knew that it was draco.

"Sir, you havent told us whats in that one" A random girl asked

"what you see before you ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion" Slughorn replied while unscrewing it from the stand "known as-"

"Felix Felicis" Me and the Professor said together "or more commonly reffered to as-" he continued on his own

"Liquid luck" Hermione responded. I am now determined to do better that granger in this class.

"Desperately tricky to make and disastrous should you make it wrong" He looked at the whole class "one sip and you will find that all of your endeavours succeed" Draco looked up as he said that, i knew that he wanted the potion for our little mission. "so this is what i offer each of you today, one tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable Draught of living death. Recipes are on page 10 but i shall point out only one student will be able to receive this award"

"oh come on this is easy" i dragged draco over to a table and we started working on the potion. I heard hermione and harry arguing over the instructions while everyone else did there work. Half way through the hour seamus finnigans potion blew up in his face leaving everyone laughing except draco who kept his head down and reading the instructions, i did the last instruction and finished the potion. Me and Draco high fived "sir! weve finished"

"okay let me check it" he came over and dropped a feather in which immediately caught on fire "pretty good you two"

"wait sir im done too" Harry signalled to the professor who repeated the same step on harrys potion

"Merlins beard its perfect" Professor Slughorn exclaimed, me and draco gave eachother extremely confused looks as we had literally done the same thing. "However i must give the potion to..."

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